Entitlement of Pass facilites under MACPS -Clarification reg.


S.No.PC-VI/245 No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2

RBE No.5/2011 New Delhi, dated 12-01-2011

The General Managers
All Zonal Rai1ways & PUs
(As per mailing list)

Sub:- Entitlement of Pass facilites under MACPS -Clarification reg.

Ref:- Board’s letter of even number dated 10-06-2009

     The issue regarding the entitlement of privilege and other passes in case of employees who have been granted financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme has been under consideration.

     In terms of Para 16 of Annexure of Board's letter referred to above, financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme is personal to the incumbent and entitles the employee to certain benefits which are linked to the pay drawn by the employee. Hence, the benefit of Passes/PTOs Corresponding to the next higher Grade Pay granted under the MACP Scheme will be available to the employee. It is also reiterated that the grant of financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme does not entail any change in the designation, classification and status of an employee. Accordingly, the benefits related to higher status inherent in the higher Pay Band and / or Grade Pay is not avaialble to such an employee who has been granted higher Grade Pay under the MACP Scheme.

3. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Rai1ways.

4. Hindi version is enclosed.

Dy. Director, Pay Commission - V
Railway Board

Source: AIRF


Anonymous said…
Please clarify the defination of fitness for grant of MACP under PB-1.

If an employee gets Average grading in the ACR then the ACR consider as fit for grant of MACP under PB-1 or not.

If, any order/circular is issued by the govt. in this regard, please intimate tell me.

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