Promotion of Assistant to the grade of Section Officer of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on ad-hoc basis
No. 6/5/2010-CS.I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market
New Delhi, dated the 04th November, 2010
Office Memorandum
Subject: Promotion of Assistant to the grade of Section Officer of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on ad-hoc basis.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 30th August, 2010 on the subject mentioned above.
2. All the Cadre Units were requested to promote the eligible Assistants (Who have completed 8 years of approved service, as per the CSS Rulees, 2009) upto SCSLs 1998 (General Category) upto SCSLs 1999 (SC Category) and up to SCSLs 2001(ST Category) to the grade of section officer to the extent of vacant post available within the Cadre Units. Ad-hoc promotion of eligible Assistants to the Grade of SO was restricted within the Cadre Units due to the direction of the Hon’ble High court of Delhi on 18-10-2006 in WP(C) No. 15985/2006 filed by Shir. J. L. Bhan and Ors. The said case has now been disposed off by the Hon’ble High court of Delhi 16-9-2010.
3. In view of the above, all the Cadre Units, where eligible Assistants are available in the above zone but not yet promoted, on account of lack of vacancies, are now requested to conduct the DPC in respect of the remaining eligible Assistants also who are covered within the zone prescribed, expeditiously and forward their names to this Division immediately, latest by 01.12.2010 so that they could be promoted at the earliest against exisiting vacancies in SO Grade.
4. It may klindly be ensured that the names of only such Assistants who are clear from vigilance angle may be forwarded to this Department.
(M.C. Luther)
Director (CS.1)
so i request you to consider this deprived retired engineer's case very sympathetically and send the re-employment orders before state is totally different case,no relation for state election.