IRTSA proposes to demand Seventh Pay Commission for Revision of wage structure wef 1.1.2011

IRTSA proposes to demand Seventh Pay Commission for Revision of wage structure wef 1.1.2011

Proposal to Demand Setting up of Seventh Pay Commission

IRTSA proposes to demand Seventh Pay Commission - For Revision of wage structure wef 1.1.2011

IRTSA invites comments from its members & other visitors to on the following demand - proposed to be raised soon:

Seventh CPC for Revision of wage structure of Central Government employees should be set up forthwith - for a revision of wage structure with effect from 1.1.2011 - on following grounds:

i) Implementation of 6th CPC would complete 5 year period on 1-1-2011. Government has conceded to effect wage revision in the case of PSU employees after every five years. The same critiria of 5 years shoud be adoptd for revision of wages of Central Government Employees and Pensioners

ii) D.A component in the wages would exceed 50% wef January, 2011. But merger of DA is not proposed to be done at this stage (as in the past) due to retrograde recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission to the contrary.

iii) The disparity with PSUs & Corporate Sector have increased further since Sixth CPC - and will now further increase especially due to fast improvement in economy.

iv) Anomalies in Sixth CPC Report & its implementation cannot apparently be removed - except by a Pay Commission since the Government is not ready to agree on any of the major issues of concern.

Harchandan Singh,

Courtesy : IRTSA


B P Singh Maidh said…
Dear Sir,
We should fight for:-
(1)Merger of 50 % DA with pay wef 01 Jan 2010 as DP.
(2)Increase of 25 % in allowances including HRA wef 01 jan 2011.
(3)Appointment of 7th CPC by Apr 2014 so that report is ready by Mar 2016.
Anonymous said…
I do not agree with the proposal for creation of 7th Pay Commission for Revision of Pay Structure. Rather we should fix a four tier governence machinery with a Consolidated Pay and Increment @ 30% after every three years. There should be an appropriate financial protection after Retirement viz. Pension, Medical. During service Period oppertunity should be given to provide an accommodation to be financed intitially by the Govt/Bank, to be repaid by the employees. If there are a good support for Regular Income, Retirement Protection, Medical Benefit and Residential Accommodation, what else a citizen of this country would demand? It is only Peace.Automatically it will come, of course not fully but substantially. I think everybody should expect employment for all rather increase of "Fat" Pay for a limited section of People.
Anonymous said…
I Acpect your demand for 7th CPC In 1-1-2011
Anonymous said…
All group A posts should be excluded from pay commission, recommendations in future
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir
I fully endorse Mr BP Singh,s remarks. Next pay commission should be set up at least two yrs before its due date so as to enable its inplementation by the due date.
Anonymous said…
Agree with you. Please go ahead. Work out the strategy and unitedly get the demands accepted. All the Best. R. H. Nag, Mumbai
Anonymous said…
The gap which were created in pay structure due to anamolies in VI pay commission like extra increment for those between Feb. to June 2006 is still awaited. these anamolies can only be rectified through VII pay commission.
Anonymous said…
Proposal to demand by the IRTSA for setting up of the seventh central pay commission is very much logical and correct. This must be appreciated and supported by one & all.The terms of reference for the pay commission must be properly evaluated to cover all the issues related not only to pay Structures only rather it must cover all service related problems, which must be resolved with very much sensitive mind.
Anonymous said…
I agree to your demand for 7th CPC In 1-1-2011
Unknown said…
Dear all, let me clarify some mis-consideration, you all have.
1. The periodicity of pay revision in the case of PSU is 10 years, not 5 years as u mentioned.
2. You all talk about the basic scale difference between PSU and Central Govt employee. But you should know that in the case of PSU, there is no component called grade pay, where as in the case of central employee, the same exist. If you sum up both basic pay and grade pay, there is hardly any difference, again, the govt employee gets too many facility that the psu employee does not. For an example, when govt employee enjoys a DA rate of 45%, PSU employee gets 34.8% (July 2010). So all you have mentioned about the disparity between the pay structure between the PSU and Cetral Govt employee is not true.

I agree with Mr. DP Singh in fighting for DP w.e.f. Jan 2010 keeping in view of price hike.

On the lines of 5th CPC recommenddation of setting up of 6th CPC as soon as DA reached 50%, we may fight for setting up of 7th CPC since DA will cross 50% from Jan 2011.

Anonymous said…
To all
for seventh pay commission the appointment of committee will not be a problem this time because there will be loksabha elections in
first quarter of 2014 so before that the seventh pay commission will be appointed but this time the seventh pay commission will not give good increase because by the time the report is implemented new government will be in place
Anonymous said…
Go ahead. Good option as govt employee face lot of financial problems.
N Chandrasekar said…
Of late, one of the reason for the Central Govt to delay composition of next pay commission for Central Govt employees is the adverse impact on various State Govt. Majority of the states have huge debt and the centre has to bail them out. Further, due to coalition Govt where many state parties are joining the Govt at the centre, they cannot be ignored.
It is Strange that no sooner Centre revises the emoluments of Central govt staff, the state Gov/Municipal bodies have to pacify their employees in granting similar emoluments. WHILE CENTRAL STAFF ARE TRANSFERRED ALL OVER INDIA BUT STATE EMPLOYEES REMAIN WITHIN STATE AND MUNICIPAL STAFF REMAIN WITHIN THE TOWNS.How state Govt have been allowing parity in emoluments despite debt. Why Central Govt which is funding them each year cannot put an end to the parity issue. THIS WILL ENSURE THAT CENTRAL STAFF GETS THEIR DUE IN TIME
Anonymous said…
before 7th pay commission pay scale and grade pay issue for 5000/5500 scale (prerevised) with 4600 G.P. may be cleared. anomaly in pay of CSS and filed offices should be removed. when these two issued cleared fight for 7th pay commission otherwise the anomaly will continue in 7th pay commission also.
Hari Malik said…
The demand for 7th Pay Commission is genuine and should be raised vigorously. I have the following suggestions in this regard:
(a) The anomaly in MACP vis-a-vis ACP should be addressed. Three promotions on the ACP pattern should be ensured after implementation of 6th CPC.
(b) In the 7th CPC a provision should be made that every employee gets promotion to higher post after completion of 5 years service in the grade. The present system of linking the promotion with the availability of vacancy in the higher grade should be done away with. Employees do not get promotion even after 10-15 years and in some cases even 20 years since vacancy in higher grade is not available. This is very frustrating, against the principle of equality and creates heart burning as in some services whose employees work side by side with them the promotions are very quick.
(c) The discrimination in promotional prospects between employees joining service in lower posts and in Group A services should be stopped. Every employee should be given promotion to higher grade on completion of a fixed period applicable universally.
Hari Malik

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