Master Crafts Man (MCM)-Grade Pay 4200-Obstacles to be cleared by this month

Master Crafts Man (MCM)-Grade Pay 4200-Obstacles to be cleared by this month

Ministry of Defence issued an order granting Grade pay 4200 to the MCM, with the approval of DOP&T U.O.No.5358/10/CR dated 25.2.2010,and Ministry of Finance I.D.No.2(16)E.III Desk/2008 dated 10.06.2010 and concurrence of Ministry of Defence(AG/08) vide their U.O.No 164/AG/PB dated 14.06.2010. According to this the grade structures for Industrial Employees in Ministry of Defence will be as follows

i) Grade pay Rs.1900 to Skilled Workers

ii) Grade pay Rs.2400 to Highly Skilled –II Workers

iii) Grade pay Rs.2800 to Highly Skilled –I Workers

iv) Grade pay Rs.4200 to Master Craftsman

But one of the conditions laid down by the MOD to implement this four grade structure is not accepted by all the defence workers federations including INDWF, AIDEF and BPMS.

As per the order,4 (i) The post of Master Craftsman Shall be part of the hierarchy and the placement of Highly Skilled Grade-I in the grade of Master Craftsman will be treated as promotion.

All the federations confronted with this condition and they demanded that HS-I Grade should not be treated as a promotion, instead of this it should be treated as a Placement.

The sources close to the south block told that, the views of these federations has been forwarded to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and the matter has been examined by this department. And it is expected that necessary directions, to implement the four grade structure, will be issued by this month.

A decade long demand of the Industrial Employees of Defence Establishments, granting Grade Pay Rs.4200/- for MCM at par with railway artisans, succeeded through many struggles and it will be realized possibly before the end of this month. All the credits for this achievement goes to all the Defence federations of unions.

Source: GServants


sathyanandan said…
Respected Sir,

Civilian Motor driver grade I and MCM were equal grade pay of Rs. 2800/- till the implementation of 6th pay commission. Now the Grade pay of MCM have been upgraded with the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. Court verdict during 2001was as follows: ”
…… grant the applicants the pay scale of Rs.1400-2300/- for the Master Craftsman/Head Staff Car Driver, presently existing in the Railways, from the date of filling of the OA and to grant arrears and to allow consequential benefits.”
At least 50% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) have the right to get promotion as Special Grade, in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 those who are completed more than 20 years regular service due to the following reasons:-.
As per the latest policy, only 5% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers ( Special Grade) (Staff Car Drivers) are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 at the time of retirement on completion of 35 to 37 years of service, due to the introduction four grade structure i.e. Ordinary grade, Grade II ,Grade I & Special grade in the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5 respectively. Now as per MACP scheme the grade pay will get after 30 years of service. It was a good move. However.earlier there was three grade structure such as Grade II ,Grade I & Special grade, which was in favour to CMDs. Second promotion as selection grade were getting the pay scale of Rs. 1320-2040 which was equivalent to Rs. 5000-8000 in the 5th pay commission comparing to the pay scale of MCM. The four grade structure promotion has been introduced wef 1993 instead of three grade structure with the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5, which was very adversely affected promotion of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers)with comparison to all other group C categories. ACP was not granted to Civilian Motor Drivers, the only category exempted, which is an extreme injustice to the driver category. ACP Scheme was better than the promotional scheme granted to the drivers with effect from 1993.

While the grade structure of grade II and grade I have been merged in to one grade in case of JEs (Supdt gde I &II) , O/S (Asst& O/S), Draftsman( Gde II & Gde I), Supvr.B/S (Gde II &Gde I), & Stenos (Gde II & Gde I) which was very favour to them. De-merging of grade structure of MTDs had created great financial loss and introduction of ratio system had damaged the promotional avenues.

the Group ‘C’ category ( including skilled industrial personnel), were granted the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 after completion of 24 years under ACP scheme except Civilian Motor Drivers . The semiskilled industrial personnel who are appointed before 1982 whose initial basic pay was Rs. 75 & Rs.85 in the 3rd pay commission (at that time MTDs were drawing initial Basic pay of Rs. 110/- similar to LDC) and got more than three promotions and more than two financial up gradations were granted the pay scale of Rs, 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 yrs under the ACP Scheme(For. e.g., WIREMAN, LINEMAN, SBA, MPA, PHO, DES, PAINTER, CARPENTER, MASON, PLUMPER, PIPEFITTER etc).All these categories were semiskilled before 3rd pay commission.

However, CMDs were not covered with the ACP Scheme who are Group ‘C’ (Skilled) employee since the Independence of India are not granted the pay scale of Rs 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 years of regular service under ACP scheme and which is really a demoralizing discrimination

grade ratio of CMD (Special grade) has to be revised to 40% instead of 5% and the implementation of three grade structure in case of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) also by merging the CMD Gde I and Special Gde into one grade is very essential in the ratio of 30:30:40 as the 50% senior most CMDs are having more than 24 years of regular service. As soon as CMDs Gde I who are completing 3 years are eligible for promotion to CMD Special grade and the promotion has to be granted forthwith. As Justice delayed is justice denied

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