Employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st June(Pre Revised Scale)...

Anomaly in annual increment arising due to the implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission Recommendations

The point regarding the anomaly relating to Rule 9 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, concerning the date of next increment has been discussed in second Anomaly Committee meeting held on 27th March 2010. According to the Minutes of the meeting, Published by DOP&T on 4th May 2010, the Staff Side reiterated their demand that employees whose date of next increment falls between 1st February to 1st June may be given an increment, as a onetime measure, in the pre revised pay scales on 1.1.2006 as has already been done in respect of employees whose next date of increment was 1.1.2006.

The representatives of the Department of Expenditure stated that it is important to first examine the repercussions of granting an increment w.e.f 1. 1. 2006 in the pre revised pay scale because such a decision may eventually lead to certain other anomalies. After a long discussion, it was agreed that the Official Side would re- examine the matter and either suitable clarification in this regard will be issued before the next meeting of the National Anomaly Committee or if there is a need, the Department of Expenditure shall discuss the matter again with the representatives of the Staff Side.

But ,as agreed by the official side,the suitable clarification not been issued till now .

One of our viewer Ms.Pushpa Malhotra,writes her views regarding Pay anomaly in annual increment arising due to the implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission Recommendations .

Dear Sir,
I like to invite government’s kind attention to the minutes of the second meeting of National Anomoly Committee held on 27th March,2010 and like to convey my sincere gratitude as an individual for the concern shown by Govt. representatives and representatives of Staff side in resolving the anomalies out of 6th CPC.

While discussing the Agenda No.5 (v), the representatives of the Govt. had expressed apprehension that granting an increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in pre-revised pay- scale to those employees whose date of next increment falls between 1st February to 1st June, as a one time measure may eventually lead to certain anomalies and therefore proposal had to be examined first. In this connection, I would like to submit that by all probabilities, it may not create anomaly because the seniors got this benefit by taking the increment on or before 01.01.2006. However more realistic approach could be to revise the pay on the date of increment / promotion between 01.02.2006 to 01.06.2006 and allow the next increment on 01.07.2006. In this case the employees may forego the arrears for the period from 01.01.2006 till revision of pay as they will draw pre-revised pay till then.

I hope the official side will come out with an appropriate solution to solve the anomaly. Needful to mention that my increment date was 01.02.2006 and retirement date falls on 31st March. The increment drawn for the period from 01.02.2006 to 30.06.2006, 01.02.2007 to 30.06.2007 and 01.02.2008 to 30.06.2008 in the pre-revised grade have been withdrawn and my arrears were very less than my juniors due to postponement of increment dates. Besides, it will effect my pensionary benefits because my retirement date falls on 31st March, whereas before 6th CPC, the increment date was 1st February i.e. before my retirement and my pension would have fixed after drawal of increment.

I hope, the Govt. will consider the issue sympathatically and issue necessary orders to settle the anomaly so that we are not put to regular financial loss, including pensionary benefits.
(Pushpa Malhotra)
National Council for Cooperative Training,
Under M/o Agriculture, (Deptt. of Agril. & Coopn.)

Source: GServants


ramesh said…
Rule 5 of CCS(RP)2008 already permitted to revise pay from the date of increment or promotion for those employees whose increment or promotion falls between 2-1-2006 to 30-6-2006 with foregoing arrears whereas Rule 10 stated that employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st July will be eligible to be granted the increment. As such completion of 6 months period to earn an increment is mandatory under Rule 10. Therefore, necessary amendment to Rule 10 would be required before allowing 1st July 2006 increment for the above category of employees.At least such employees who ceased or retired from service may be allowed to earn increment without disturbing their date of increment in the revised pay structure by way of amending Rule 10 immediately.
Anonymous said…
It's nice to see this anomaly for the employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st june (Pre-Revised scale). There should be some thing done these employees. I addition, I would like to have attention of the authority for those employees too, who got promoted between 2nd January 2006 to 31st Jan 2006 and opted 6cpc from the date of promotion. These employees also got the next increment after a period of 17-18 months which is not justifiable. so, these employees should also be treated in the same manner as the employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st June.

Hope the staff side will raise this issue too and Anomaly committee will accept it.

Thanking you
The official should not be having any apprehension that there will be anamolies by antedating the increment date of as a one time measure to 01-01-2006 in respect of those upto june 2006 as has been done under Rule 10 for jan 2006 increment. In fact lot of anamolies have arisen due to application of rule 10 only and there is no clause in note 10 under Rule 7 to step up pay of senior on par with junior for anamolies arising out of rule 10. this point needs to be clarified to the official side.
Anonymous said…
All those employees who complete 12 month after promotion/annual increment before July 2007 should get one increment either from the date of implementation of 6CPC or from 1st July 2006.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The anomali of DNI must be settled. All employees must get annual icrement who have completed their 12 months service before July 2006 instead of a period more than 12 months.
it is just like implimentation of major penalty as increament is posponded with cumulative effect.so as demanded by unions,one increament as one time measure on 1/1/06 in pre-revised scale is only solution.other recomentation proposed by the Madom will cause further anomaly especially inclusion of promotees of thease period.
naresh said…
I am a central Govt. Employee. I want to know How to claim for TADa in case I have lost the Original Rail tickets for journey for attending a training course. I have no idea about this ticket.
ajay suri said…
Employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st June

Dear Sir,
I like to invite government’s kind attention to the minutes of the second meeting of National Anomoly Committee held on 27th March,2010 and like to convey my sincere gratitude as an individual for the concern shown by Govt. representatives and representatives of Staff side in resolving the anomalies out of 6th CPC.

While discussing the Agenda No.5 (v), the representatives of the Govt. had expressed apprehension that granting an increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in pre-revised pay- scale to those employees whose date of next increment falls between 1st February to 1st June, as a one time measure may eventually lead to certain anomalies and therefore proposal had to be examined first. In this connection, I would like to submit that by all probabilities, it may not create anomaly because the seniors got this benefit by taking the increment on or before 01.01.2006. However more realistic approach could be to revise the pay on the date of increment / promotion between 01.02.2006 to 01.06.2006 and allow the next increment on 01.07.2006. In this case the employees may forego the arrears for the period from 01.01.2006 till revision of pay as they will draw pre-revised pay till then.

I hope the official side will come out with an appropriate solution to solve the anomaly. Needful to mention that my increment date was 0n1.05.06.The increment drawn for the period from 01.05.2006 to 30.06.2006, 01.05.2007 to 30.06.2007 and 01.05.2008 to 30.06.2008 in the pre-revised grade have been withdrawn and my arrears were very less than my juniors due to postponement of increment .

I hope, the Govt. will consider the issue sympathatically and issue necessary orders to settle the anomaly so that we are not put to regular financial loss, including pensionary benefi



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s d kahaley said…
Respected sir,

The prominent thing which comes to mind in MACP is its date effect It is from date of issue of order.The effective date is causing many disparities in amount of pension of those who ceased to be in service between 01/01/2006 to 09/09/2008. and after 09/09/2008. Perhaps u also know this fact. It will be better if Govt. makes effective from 01/01/2006 for the purpose of fixation of notional pay and gives benefit in pension

Anonymous said…
Dear sir,

It is the case with me also ie, my date of next increament was 1-3-2006 and retirement date is also April.
Due to this, either I got an increament in March 2006 nor will going to get before retirement.

This anomoly need to be rectified either by allowing advance increament as on 1-1-2006 or on 1-3-2006 as a one time measure. Out of two any date is OK.
s.shekhar said…
dear sir,

Please find a solution to the officers whose DNI lies between 1-1-2006 to 30-6-2006 at the earliest
s. shekhar
kn moorthy said…
the deadline for giving fresh option is 31-12-10. by the inaction of the anomoly committee authorities and keeping "MUM' a situation has been created for the employees who are in this catagory to exercise the option by forgoing arrear benefits or to wait for the authorities to act and to say YES OR NO finally.
Unknown said…
The deadline date for exercising fresh option is 31-12-10. The anomaly committee members should not be inactive and keep mum on this issue and come out with clear order very soon to avoid further confusions.
Anonymous said…
I am a Assistant Field Officer/Telecommunication in Sashastra seema bal. My grade pay is 2400 whereas the same rank of this department and other department i.s. Intelligence buearu and Ra&W is 2800/-. kindly give a solutaion about this matter

from shyamal sarkar
assistant field officer(telecom)
sashastra seema bal
Anonymous said…
The anomaly regarding stepping up of pay according to Item No.19 reflected in the statement indicating the gist of decisions taken during the Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPS held on 15/09/10 circulated under DOPT OM No.11/1/2010-JCA dt 06 Oct 10, arised due to withdrawal of increment from employees whose increment dates falls between 01 Feb 2006 to 30 Jun 2006 in the pre-revised scale of pay. However, if the Govt. would grant one increment as on 01/01/2006 in the pre-revised scale of pay, to employees who were due for Annual Increment between 01/02/06 to 30/06/06 as in the case of persons whose increment date was on 01 Jan 2006 as one time measure, many cases pertaining to stepping up can be resolved.

The minimum pay for employees appointed in Govt. Service after 01/01/2006 has been specified in the CCS (RP) Rules 2008 according to Grade Pay. Whether, the same is applicable to promotees (who have promoted after 01/01/06 and drawing pay less than the minimum prescribed with GP) also under FR-22(I)(a)(1).

Further, I would like to ask the Govt.Authorities that despite, accepted by the 6th CPC to merge the pre-revise Pay Scales of Rs.5000-8000/- and Rs.5500-9000/- into Rs.6500-10500/- Wef.01/01/2006, why the pay of the affected employees have been fixed less than the minimum of Rs.12090/- (ie. Rs.6500 x 1.86) by depriving the existing fundamental rules and constitutional rights of officials. Apart from the above, Govt. is not maintaining parity in pay of employees between Secretariate & Non-Secretariate departments, as per the decision of the 6th CPC. Whether, the Govt. of India has gone so injustice to its employees. As a result of this iniquity of Govt., employees like me, who have rendered 30 years long service, are facing the loss of huge amount (ie. Rs.4000/- to Rs.5000/-) every month in our salaries and it will effect in pension also.

In view of the above, I solicit to the Authorities of Govt. & National Anomaly Committee to take appropriate action
to settle the long pending pay anomalies of 6th CPC soon to get relief to serving as well as retiring officials of the
Govt. of India.

Thanks, Jai Hind. SOMI
Anonymous said…
I Joined Govt organization on 15 Feb 2010. Will I get first increment from 15 feb 2011 or from 1 July 2011 after implementation of this rule?
Anonymous said…
Chairman and Members of NAC and also National JCM. Prior to 6th cpc my increment was in Feb. After drawing Feb 2005 inrement I got myincrement in July 2006 i.e. 5 months delay. I have superannuated on June 30th 2010. Again for my 12 months service no increment. Total 17 months service no increment. Is it not an anomaly? Why one time increment issue is taking its of time in NAC?
Anonymous said…
There is a simple way to remove the anamony by giving increment on pro-rata basis.Allow increment @ 1/12 of icrement amount for each month.
Anonymous said…
There is a simple way to resolve the anamony by giving increment on pro rata basis (@1/12 of increment amount for every month)
Anonymous said…
If this anamoly is not solved by the Min of Fin,the affected employees will suffer for this in the next Pay Commission.
Manoj said…
One time increament shall be given to all those who joined the Depptts between 01 Jan to 30 June as one time measure . with this everyone will get his right and no problem to others also as one joine on 30 Dec gets his increament than the who joined on 02 jan which is not correct as the difference in joining time is only 3 days
EA (new 2000 ) said…
my date of increament is in febuary
and date of birth in june. thus i am suffered twise . first i not get increment for 17 months and second i can't get increment for just 1 day
shorter for next increment.
sanga said…
there is one solution is this increament should be given propotion to days remain for next increament.
for ex. those who increament is in month of feb mean he already work 11month so he should be given increament =yearincreament*11/12. that is if he in grade of 5500-9000 is increament is=175*11/12= Rs.160/- should be added to his basic as on 1/1/2006 then should be fix in 6th pay commission.

sanjay sangvikar pune
Srihari Dasari said…
One time increment request is a genuine one to all the employees whose increment date falls between February to June before 6th CPC. This issue has been lingering between staff side and Official side for more than a year. Even after completion of 5 years of 6th CPC, many issues are still unsolved. What NAC is doing ?. Will they do real justice to the sufferers?. Please Solve the problem early and make us happy before this Year year increment!
anil thomas said…
one time increment is OK, there is nothing to think too much to do justice as it is very clear. i.e.

1. whose DNI falls between 01.08.2005 and 01.01.2006 gets next increments in a span of 06 to 11 months.
2. whose DNI falls between 01.02.2006 and 01.06.2006 gets next increment in a span of 13 to 17 months.
Anonymous said…
THIS is very big and important issue. Sixty percent of employees are suffered for denying this type of increment. Employee those who get increment from august to december are advanced to july whereas employees those get increment from february to june are denied. This unjutice to be solved by by giving one more increment from Janauray 2006
M. Rajkumar said…
The only solution to this problem faced by persons who were promoted /increment date between February 2006 and June 2006, is that for every month 0.5% additional amount may be added in the increment on 01.07.2006 (as persons completing 6 months service got 3% increment on 01.07.2006. This is in line with the variable increment scheme accepted by the VIth Pay Commission and will also respect the seniority of these people.
I hope this solution will be acceptable to the members of the anomaly committee as well as the affected partis, who otherwise would be losers for entire life 9including on retirement)
Anonymous said…
this not a right thing what is going on. this pay parity between people is bad for the institution and indirect humilation to the gov. employs. so i would request that this issue to be sorted out as soon as possible
sunil kr mishra said…
this is totally unjustice for the employees because it affect not only in the service period but after retirement also. so please solve this problem as soon as possible.
for this I am requesting to employees union to make pressure on anomaly committee. and a request to anomaly committee to look this genuine problem and take apropriate dicision as soon as posible.
Anonymous said…
Injustice has been done with the Central Govt employees whose date of increment falls between 01.02.2006 to 30.6.2006. They have been allowed increment under the revised pay structure after 13 to 17 months as against 12 months in the pre-revised pay structure and 06 months in the revised pay structure which tantamount that their increments have been postponed. The annual increments of an employee can be postponed if he is involved in any disciplinary case. Increment date of these employees has been postponed without any offence committed by them. The most sufferers are those employees whose date of retirement falls between 01 Feb to 30 Jun. The Govt may look into this aspect and resolve the anomaly on priority keeping in view welfare of its employees.
Sekhar said…
It is really great injustice to those employees whose increment falls between 1.2.2006 to 30.6.2006They must be allowed an increment as on 1.1.2006. Under the principles of natural justice the increment must be allowed. Better late than never, at lest now the Government must allow increment to the above category Employees as on 1.1.2006 and the unions must press the matter very hard.
Anonymous said…
It is really a great hardship for employees whose increment falls between Feb&jun.The unions should respond unitedly to the situation and make the government solve this anomaly by granting one time increment soon.Hoping a positive response from unions.
Anonymous said…
It is a great injustice to the official those got increment from FEB 2006 TO JUNE 2006 PL RENDER JUSTICE by giving one more increment
Anonymous said…
I was promoted as SO on 1.1.96 and as AAO on 3.2.2004. My increment date was 1.1.2004 and on promotion as AAO I opted fixation of pay w.e.f. 3.2.2004 and my date of next increment became 1.2.2005. On pay revision I opted revision w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in order to minimize the loss. Subsequently I submitted an application for revision of my option excercised on 3.2.2004 in terms of OM dated 25.2.2003 as uniform date of increment was a change in rules and it was an unforseen circumstances. My request was turned down by authorities without any justification. If government give an another option under FR 22 in line with OM dated 25.2.2003, some of my colleagues including myself could have further minimized the loss by revising the FR 22 I(a)(1) option. Union Representatives may kindy look into the matter and take up the matter with the Government for favourable action.

Anonymous said…
When will be the next meeting of anomaly committee will be held
Anonymous said…
sir in my openion the issue of DNI for the employee whose dni fall between feb to june is shifting the dni in jan. January should be the date of incriment implimenting two dates of dni e.g jan and july.
pk gupta
mahi said…
I am working as pgt in NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI
My date of joining is 29/10/2003. As on 1/1/2006 my pay fixed at Rs 12840+grade pay 4800.DNI on 1/7/2007.
But newly recruited pgt as on 1/1/2006 draw rs 13350+grade pay 4800 which is more than mine.
If ,I will go for anamoly with him who joined on 7/1/2006 ,I lose increment on 1/7/2006.Here I am drawing less than my junior and if I gofor pay fixed of 12840 I will be Rs 20 only more to my junior as on 1/7/2007. So, we requesting to consider our case and requesting to give an additional increment on 1/7/2006 by giving entry scale of rs 13350 as on 1/1/2006 without considering anamoly.
Anonymous said…
Respected Chairman & Members of 6th CPC Anomaly Committee,

Due to fixing the date of annual increment on every 1st July, the individuals whose increment falls between 1st Feb. to 1st June and if their superannuation is also due between their increment month to 30th June, are looser of one annual increment.

I am one of the sufferer. My annual increment was due on 1st March 2006. My superannuation was also due on 30th June 2009. Due to fixing the date of annual increment only on every 1st July, my annual increment was shifted after 4 months on 1st July 2006 and I have been given only 3 increments on 1st July 2006, 2007 & 2008 and superannuated on 30th June 2009 even after rendering 12 months regular service (which entitles an annual increment).Otherwise I would have been superannuated on 30th June 2009 after granting 4 annual increments on 1st March 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009. Thus my total 4+12=16 months service gone in vain. My humble request is to compensate this loss of an annual increment which has also affected my pension airy benefits.

196/X-1, Krishnapuram,
Kanpur 208 007
Unknown said…
Dr. Om Raj Singh (NIPCCD)

I would like to inform you that in the sixth pay commission disparity in the pay-Band 4 to upto pay band 3. sixth pay commission enhance the salary pay band 4 upto 2.8 times and 1.8 times upto pay band 3.
Again the disparity in the increment whose date of increment is between February to june this is a great loss to the employees. whose numbers are more in the government of India Job.. Please take into consideration as early as possible.
Anonymous said…
The point of discussion for grant of one increment to those employees whose date of increment fell between 2nd January and 30th June 2006 appears to have been given a quiet burial by the official side of the National Anomaly Committee. THIS IS HIGHLY OBJECTIONABLE. The Official side must concede this demand because the employees cannot be penalised for the lopsided decisions of the Government without bothering about the principal of Natural Justice.
Anonymous said…
The great anomaly is that one increment not given to the official those date from Feb to June. The official side should take strong argument to Government to render NATURAL JUSTICE to the official who loosing one increment in Pay and also in Pension until himself and his family
Anonymous said…
Sir, i am also an employee who is a loser as my increment is in April. I joined govt serice in April and will also be retiring in April. Even after working for one full year, i will retire without getting an increment as increment will be given only in the month of July. This is gross injustice. I hope this issue will be taken in anamoly committee and get one increment as an one time measure. We request you to kindly take up this matter and grant us atleast one increment as on one measure and mitigate our loss. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
ASST Dukharan Ram (BRO/GREF)

Hon'ble Sirs,

Kindly take the anomaly issue for those whose DNI falls between Feb and June 2006 and settle the same. The following aspects are not justified by the VI CPC & Anomalies Committee till date:-

(a) That the juniors is getting more pay than the senior in the same grade due to postponing of DNI of officials whose falls between Feb and June 2006 to Jul 2006.

(b) About 40-50% officials whose AI in Dec 2006 got advanced to July 2006 but the officials like me whose AI in Feb 2006 cannot get in Jan 2006 but postponed to July 2006.

(c) About 25-30% officials whose AI in Jan 2006 got double benefit i.e one AI at old rate on 01 Jan 2006 and after six months in Jul 2006 one AI at new rate due to said great error done by both VI CPC & Anomalies Committee. But aggrieved officials are deprived from both their normal AI on due dates or advancement to Jan 2006.

Therefore, kindly raise and settle this issue in interest of natural justice please.
Anonymous said…
UDC Ramesh Prasad (BRO/GREF)

Hon'ble Sirs,

Kindly take the anomaly issue for those whose DNI falls between Feb and June 2006 and settle the same. The following aspects are not justified by the VI CPC & Anomalies Committee till date:-

(a) That the juniors is getting more pay than the senior in the same grade due to postponing of DNI of officials whose falls between Feb and June 2006 to Jul 2006.

(b) About 40-50% officials whose AI in Dec 2006 got advanced to July 2006 but the officials like me whose AI in Mar 2006 cannot get in Jan 2006 but postponed to July 2006.

(c) About 25-30% officials whose AI in Jan 2006 got double benefit i.e one AI at old rate on 01 Jan 2006 and after six months in Jul 2006 one AI at new rate due to said great error done by both VI CPC & Anomalies Committee. But aggrieved officials are deprived from both their normal AI on due dates or advancement to Jan 2006.

Therefore, kindly raise and settle this issue in interest of natural justice please.
Girija Shankar Saxena said…
Resp. Chairman Sir and Members as well,
As of now, the issue of AI for those employees whose DNI falls between Feb and Jun 2006 is being raised from every corner of Govt. Deptt. Sir,it was very well clear to the policy makers that AI means Annual Increment i.e. 12 months and not 17,18 months and so on but they have forcibly launched a wrong policy on AI (the matter of 6 months is also covered) in the VIth CPC without any penalty awarded to we people. Should we, THE SUFFERERS hope for a justice with a humble request or be prepared to form another platform just to fight for our legal RIGHT.
Ganesh D Joshi said…
Dear Sir, I could not understand why the govt. body is adament on the issue of DNI falls bet 2nd Jan to 30th June. I am one of the deprived emloyees, whose DNI was 1st Feb 2006 and I could get my normal increment only on 1st Jul 06. I have calculated the lost amount Rs.36000/- till date. This is totally not the just. When the authorities look on this issue favourably.
G D Joshi
WCR Jabalpur
Anonymous said…
Solution for the DNI case is that there must be two months for increment .January for those employees whose increament falls between jan &june and july for those whose increament between july and december. This is a very simple solution.
urvashi verma said…
Anonymous said…
I want to draw your kind attention towards the long pending demand of the employees for the increment month. I can’t not understand why these leaders are not able to solve this simple problem. Is this the fault of an employee that he or she born between Feb to June .Is this the fault of the employee that he got the joining letter between Feb to June. Actually this problem is only created by the pay commission. Is this a right thing that a person joins in July getting more than to a person who join in June .why these leader are calculation the patients of the aggrieved people. Still this problem can be solved by setting two increments one in Jan and second in July.
Anonymous said…
UDC Ramesh Prasad (BRO/GREF)

Hon'ble Sirs,

Kindly take the anomaly issue for those whose DNI falls between Feb and June 2006 and settle the same. The following aspects are not justified by the VI CPC & Anomalies Committee till date:-

(a) That the juniors is getting more pay than the senior in the same grade due to postponing of DNI of officials whose falls between Feb and June 2006 to Jul 2006.

(b) About 40-50% officials whose AI in Dec 2006 got advanced to July 2006 but the officials like me whose AI in Mar 2006 cannot get in Jan 2006 but postponed to July 2006.

(c) About 25-30% officials whose AI in Jan 2006 got double benefit i.e one AI at old rate on 01 Jan 2006 and after six months in Jul 2006 one AI at new rate due to said great error done by both VI CPC & Anomalies Committee. But aggrieved officials are deprived from both their normal AI on due dates or advancement to Jan 2006.

Therefore, kindly raise and settle this issue in interest of natural justice please
V.S.M.RAO said…
Dear Sir, I could not understand why the govt. body is adament on the issue of DNI falls bet 2nd Jan to 30th June. I am one of the deprived emloyees, whose DNI was 1st Feb 2006 and I could get my normal increment only on 1st Jul 06. I have retired on 30/04/2010 loosing my annual increment as well as my pensinery benefits due to non grant of increment on 01/02/2006. This is totally not the just. When the authorities look on this issue favourably.
Anonymous said…
I want to draw your kind attention towards the long pending demand of the employees for the increment month. Is this the fault of an employee that he or she born between Feb to June .Is this the fault of the employee that he got the joining letter between Feb to June. Actually this problem is only created by the pay commission. Is this a right thing that a person joins in July getting more than to a person who join in June people. Still this problem can be solved by setting two increments one in Jan and second in July.
Now the person who joins in February and December get same salary. It is not just. So kindly solve this problem by giving one increment to the aggrieved employees who joined between Feb to June. At the time of retirement also the employee who joined between Feb to june are not getting one increment so it affects pensionary benefits.

So please consider this problem and solve this problem favourably.
Anonymous said…
It's nice to see this anomaly for the employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st june (Pre-Revised scale). There should be some thing done for these employees. In addition, I would like to have attention of the authority for those employees too, who got promoted between 2nd January 2006 to 31st Jan 2006 and opted 6cpc from the date of promotion. These employees also got the next increment after a period of 17-18 months which is not justifiable. so, these employees should also be treated in the same manner as the employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st June.

Hope the staff side will raise this issue too and Anomaly committee will accept it.
Anonymous said…
The issue relating to increment dates between feb to June 2006 is more complex than it appears to be.
(1) Granting one increment as on 1-1-06 in the pre-revised scale will not solve the problem, particularly for new recruits who joined between Feb 2006 and June 2006, and persons who got selection grade on promotion from PB-3 to PB-4 between February to June 2006. Apart from financial loss, this places a person at same level as one who has joined/ promoted on 1-1-07.Hence, the only solution in such cases is allowing grant of increment on 1-7-06 itself (and not after one year, i.e. 1-7-07). However, as this may open pandora's box, instead of allowing full 3% increment, pro-rata increment @ 0.5% increment per month (as persons with six months service get full 3% increment) should be calculated as on 01-01-06, and should be granted to such persons. The fact that ithe increment is annual does not prohibit granting of increment on 01-07-06. It is an annual increment, because the next increment would come after one full year, i.e. on 01-07-07. A lower increment for less than six months service will bring fairplay vis-a-vis seniors as well. This method will particularly be suitable for new recruits after 01-01-06.
(2) The other alternative is that all persons who were promoted between February to July 2006, should be allowed normal increment on 01-07-06, as a one time measure.
(3) The case of the persons who retired between before 01-07-06, and had increment dates fell between February to June 2006 does not get resolved by the above two methods. As a one time measure, such persons may be allowed one increment on 01-01-2006 as one time measure.

Considering this,the decision taken in the National Anomaly Committee must be carefully examined. It should be implemented at the earliest. Theoretically, more than 40% of the total Central Govt employees, whose increment dates fell between February and June under the 5th Pay Commission will be benefited from this.
Anonymous said…
how many days will be taken for issuing order regarding granting one increment. more than one month has been passed.
Vijaya Bhasker said…
the national anomaly committee has to negotiate for two increment dates in a year at least i.e. January and July. granting one increment in pre-revised scale will not be solved any problem or not benefit for the employees. Hence, I request national anomaly committee kindly fight for two increment months i.e January and July of every year instead of one increment (july) (eleven increment months loss for employees)
Anonymous said…
Concept of propositional increment
To grant one additional increment to whose date falls between Feb to June is good.But I want to state that the concept of proportionate increment is to considered along with this issue because who retires in May will have to lost near about one increment. Therefore those who retires between July-31 to May-31 should allowed proportionate increment for each month for the service they have renders.

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