Age of retirement in autonomous bodies/organizations - Raising of

No. 25012/8/98-Estt.(A)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi-110001.

Dated the 3th May, 1998


Subject : Age of retirement in autonomous bodies/organizations - Raising of.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Fifth Central Pay Commission in para 128.16 of its report recommended for increase in age of retirement of Central Government employees from 58 years to 60 years. The recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission has been accepted by the Government and it has been decided to increase the age of retirement of Central Government employees from 58 years to 60 years. Accordingly, FR. 56 has been amended vide this Department’s Notifications No. 25012/2/97-Estt. (A) dated 13.5.1998 and 27.5.1998. The amended FR. 56 (a) reads as under:

"(a) Except as otherwise provided in this rule, every Government servant shall retire from the service on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years:

Provided that a Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of sixty years.

"Provided further that a Government servant who has attained the age of fifty eight years on or before the first day of May, 1998 and is on extension in service, shall retire from service on expiry of his extended period of service”.

Consequent upon revision of scale of pay of the Central Government employees, the question of extending the same benefits to the employees of the autonomous bodies/organisations was also under consideration of the Government. It has been decided to extend the benefit of extension in age of retirement from 58 years to 60 years in the following cases:-

(a) In cases where the autonomous bodies/organizations are following the rules as applicable to Central Government employees and where the pay scales and conditions of service are identical to Central Government employees, the age of retirement shall be extended by two years with prospective effect through appropriate Notification amending the Rules in consultation with the administrative Ministry concerned subject to condition that the age of retirement shall not exceed 60 years. There shall be a complete ban on grant of extension in service beyond the age of superannuation except in the case of medical and scientific specialists, who can be granted extension in service, on a case to case basis, upto the age of 62 years and the orders relating to increase in age of retirement shall not be applicable to the persons on extension in service on 1.5.1998.

(b) In cases where the existing rules of the relevant autonomous bodìes/organizations provide either that the age of retirement of specified categories of personnel working in these organizations shall be same as corresponding categories / grades in the Central Govt. or where the existing rules provide that all the conditions of service shall be identical to corresponding category of personnel in the Central Govt., the age of retirement may be increased by two years from prospective effect subject to a maximum of 60 years, in consultation with the concerned Administrative Ministry except in cases where the age or retirement in these organizations is already more compared to their counterparts in the Central Govt. There shall be a complete ban on extension in service beyond the age of superannuation except in the case of medical and scientific specialists, who can be granted extension in service, on a case to case basis, upto the age of 62 years and the orders relating to increase in age of retirement shall not be applicable to the persons on extension in service on 1.5.1998.

(C) In respect of autonomous bodies/organization not covered by (a) & (b) above, the Administrative Ministry concerned may examine the matter on merits and there after approach the Department of Personnel, if it proposed to extend the age of retirement in these autonomous bodies/organization. The usual conditions that the maximum age of retirement, shall not exceed 60 years and there shall, be a complete ban on extension in service beyond the age of superannuation except in case of medical and scientific specialists, who can be granted extension inservice, on a case to case basis, upto the age of 62 years and the orders relating to increase in age of retirement shall not be applicable to the persons on extension in service on the date of issue of orders shall apply.

3. Approvals in the cases covered by paras 2(a) and (b) above will be at the level of the Minister-in-Charge of the administrative Ministry.



(Harinder Singh)

Joint Secretary to the Government of India




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