Nalanda Ordnance Factory in Bihar

Nalanda Ordnance Factory

The details of land acquired from the farmers for setting the Nalanda Ordnance Factory in Bihar are as follows

(a) Total area of land acquired is 1749.82 acres.

(i) The number of families affected / displaced – 1191.

(ii) Compensation of Rs. 35.56 crores has been paid towards the cost of land.

(iii) 1191 houses have been constructed for the displaced families along with roads, water supply and sanitation facilities. Common amenities such as community centre, school and dispensary have also been constructed. The total expenditure for these amounts to Rs. 14.59 crores.

(c) No representations have been received regarding compensation or rehabilitation. But there are representations on provision of jobs.

Preferential employment in Ordnance Factory, Nalanda could not be provided for the displaced persons as the Government policy at that time did not provide for such employment.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri Ramkishun and Shri Kaushalendra Kumar in Lok Sabha today.



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