"Equal pay for equal work to workers employed on contract" exposed by all Trade Unions - Industrial Tripartite Committee

"Equal pay for equal work to workers employed on contract and strict implementation of safety and health standards" exposed by all Trade Unions in the meeting of Industrial Tripartite Committee on Engineering Industry.

Meeting of Industrial Tripartite Committee on Engineering Industry Held in New Delhi today

A meeting of the Industrial Tripartite Committee on Engineering Industry was held on 22nd June 2010 at New Delhi under the chairmanship of Shri Harish Rawat, Union Minister of State for Labour & Employment. The representatives from workers oraganisations (BMS, CITU, INTUC, AITUC, AIUTUC and HMS), Employers’ federations (Council of Indian Employers, All India Manufacturers Organisation, Confederation of Indian Industry, Laghu Udyog Bharati, Federation of Association of Small Industries, Federation of Engineering Industry of India) of the Engineering sector as well as representatives of State Governments of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnataka, Punjab and Haryana participated in this meeting.

The Committee discussed the issues relating to rationalization of wages and increasing contractualization in engineering industry, ensuring adequate provision for Health & Safety, strict implementation of Labour Laws as also issue relating to reservation policy in Micro & Small Enterprise Sector.

The Minister underlined the need for a progressive management and responsible labour behaviour for harmonious industrial relations and the role of tripartite bodies in this regard. A number of suggestions from the participants regarding wage board for workers in the engineering sector, equal pay for equal work to workers employed on contract and strict implementation of safety and health standards were made in this meeting. The Minister thanked the participants for their suggestions and stressed the need for a constructive cooperation from all stake holders – workers, employers as well as State Governments- so that legitimate concerns of the workers as well as the industry are taken care of.


Sir I am mr murali ayyalasomayajula postal assistant WRSHO Visakhpatnam Andhraprdesh I am am trying and begging for the issue equal pay for equal work for the last 28 years, but all my petitions a/t to president of India are not taken consideration by the postal department since 1981 to now a big victim , who can save my life, I did not even medical aid for spinal cord no use for the said , I request the Dept of Personnel and Trg should issue the orders or the president of India should intervene otherwise all these are trash, the postal department should implement same for who recruited as slavery in the name reserve trained pool without wages from 1981 to 1989 as class 3 employees only direct recruitment official from employment and paper advertisement dated 10.1.1981 the Hindu. Pl help us provide equal benefits from our date of joining. MURALI 09290016354 a ALL TIME SUFFER TILL NOW NO JUSTICE and begging for implimention of same in the postal department pl.
Kindly impliment to all departments not say words but put in to rule and immidiate implimenation is required
Hiranmay said…

Every body think for benefit of the organize cadre, Please think for unorganized cadre i.e. ex-cadre. since 3rd CPC my scale of pay was equivalent to the SO of CSS. I am also working in the Central Secretariat as Group B Gazetted Post. We both the category of worker performing similar job. However, the 6th CPC paying us less than of an Assistant, who are working under me. Because, I belong to a ex-cadre. I am moving door to door of my Ministry. No body bother me. Even, they not processing my case since last 2 years. Please help me.

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