Transport Allowance to blind & orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees- clarification
S.No.PC-VI/ 206
No. PC-V/2009/A/TA/1
RBE No. 71/2010
New Delhi, dated 10.05.2010
Sub: Transport Allowance to blind & orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees- clarification reg.
On receipt of a reference from All India Railwaymen’s federation (AIRF) regarding grant of Transport Allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees availing FRC facility, the matter has been considered in Board’s office and in context thereof, it is clarified that such blind and orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees are entitled for Transport Allowance in terms of Para-2(i) of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2008/A/TA/2, dated 12.09.2008, as the condition of availing Residential Card Pass facility by a Railway employee has been declined with grant of Transport Allowance vide Board’s letter dated 23.01.2009.
2. In view of the above, Board’s letter No.PC-V/2008/A/TA/2, dated 29.06.2009 addressed to Western Railway stands withdrawn.
3. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
4. Hindi version is enclosed.
Dy.Director, Pay Commission – V
Railway Board