Steps Taken for Speedy Trial of CBI Cases
Steps Taken for Speedy Trial of CBI Cases
In order to facilitate speedy trial of cases investigated by the CBI, the Government has decided to set up 71 additional Special Courts, approved 284 posts of Prosecuting Officers with supporting staff and notified a new scheme for engaging Law Officers on contract basis for a period up to five years.
Similarly, to fill up the vacancies in the CBI at the earliest, several steps have been taken which, inter-alia, include:
• Grant of Special Incentive Allowance @ 25% of Pay up to the level of Senior Superintendent of Police and @ 15% for officers above that rank to attract officers on deputation.
• Amendment and rationalization of recruitment rules for various posts from time to time to meet the changing requirements of the CBI.
• Decentralization of induction of officers upto Inspector level on deputation
• Diversion of 77 posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police from deputation quota to promotion quota, as a one time measure in relaxation of Recruitment Rules to expedite filling up of these posts.
The trial of cases investigated by the CBI takes longer time than conventional cases as it often involves complicated questions of fact and law, necessitating examination of a large number of witnesses, besides proving voluminous documents. The accused also generally exhausts all possible avenues available under the criminal justice system to prolong trial proceedings.
This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Shri Prithviraj Chavan in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha.