Revision of Pay Scales for Non-Executives Employees in BSNL w.e.f.01.01.2007
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
5th Floor, Harish Chander Mathur Lane, New Delhi - 110001
(No. 10 of 2010)
File No. 1-16/2010-PAT (BSNL)
Dated 07-05-2010
Sub: Revision of Pay Scales for Non-Executives Employees in BSNL w.e.f.01.01.2007
1.0 In prusuance of Agreement dated 07-05-2010 singned on behlaf of the BSNL Management with the representative union of non-executives employees of BSNL in terms of Department of Public Enterprises OM No. 2(7)2006-DPE(WC)-GL-XIV dated 09-11-2006, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the competent authority that the revised IDA Pay Scales in replacement of existing IDA Sclaes of Non-executive employees of BSNL effective from 01-01-2007, will be as under :
Sl.No. |
Grade |
Existing IDA Pay Scales(Rs.) |
Revised IDA Pay Scales(Rs.) |
1 |
NE-1 |
4000 - 120 - 5800 |
7760 - 13320 |
2 |
NE-2 |
4060 - 125 - 5935 |
7840 - 14700 |
3 |
NE-3 |
4100 - 125 - 5975 |
7900 - 14880 |
4 |
NE-4 |
4250 - 130 - 6200 |
8150 - 15340 |
5 |
NE-5 |
4550 - 140 - 6650 |
8700 - 16840 |
6 |
NE-6 |
4720 - 150 - 6970 |
9020 - 17430 |
7 |
NE-7 |
5700 - 160 - 8100 |
10900 - 20400 |
8 |
NE-8 |
6550 - 185 - 9325 |
12520 - 23440 |
9 |
NE-9 |
7100 - 200 - 10100 |
13600 - 25420 |
10 |
NE-10 |
7800 - 225 - 11175 |
14900 - 27850 |
11 |
NE-11 |
8570 - 245 - 12245 |
16370 - 30630 |
2.0 Fitment Method :
2.1 Non-executives who where in the pre-revised non-executive pay scales before 01.01.07 will be placed in the corresponding revised non-executive pay scales as per the fitment formula given in para 2.3 below.
2.2 Non-executives joinging on or after 1.1.2007 will be placed in the initial stage of the revised pay scale in which they are appointed. In cases where emoluments in the pre-revised pay scale(s) on the date of joining BSNL [i.e. Basci Pay + DP/DA applicable on the date of joining] exceeds the sum of the pay fixed in the revised pay scale and applicable IDA thereon on the same date, the difference will be allowed as Personal Pay and it will be absorbed in future increments.
2.3 Fitment in the revised scale shall be made applicable as per following formula :
a) Basci Pay in the Pre-revised pay scale as on 01.01.2007 Plus
b) IDA neutralisation @ 68.8% on Basic Pay
c) Fitment benefit @ 30% on [Basic Pay + IDA(68.8%)]
d) The amount so arrived at, rounded off to the next multiple of 10 Rupees, shall be the Basic Pay in the revised pay scale.
2.4 Where non-executives drawing pay at two or more consecutive stages in the existing pay scale get bounched, then, in the revised IDA pay scale for every two stages so bunched, benefit of one increment will be given.
2.5 As per the fitment method mentioned in para 2.3 and para 2.4 above, scale-wise tables as on 01.01.2007 are enclosed as Annexure-I.
3.0 Annual Increment / Stagnation Increment / Pay Fixation on Promotion.
3.1 Annual Increment will be at the rate of 3% of the revised basic pay and will be rounded off to the next 10 Rupees.
4.0 Dearness Allowance :
100% DA neutralization will be adopted for all the non-executives, who are on IDA pattern of scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2007. Thus DA as on 1.1.2007 will become zero with link point of All India consumer Price Index(AICPI) 2001=100, which is 126.33 as on 1.1.2007. The perodicity of adjustment will be once in three months, as per the existing practice for these categories. The quarterly IDA payable from 1.1.2007 will be as per new IDA scheme as given below:-
Date of Dearness Allowance |
Rate of Dearness Allowance (in percentage) |
01.01.2007 |
0 |
01.04.2007 |
0.8 |
01.07.2007 |
1.3 |
01.10.2007 |
4.2 |
01.01.2008 |
5.8 |
01.04.2008 |
6.3 |
01.07.2008 |
9.2 |
01.10.2008 |
12.9 |
01.01.2009 |
16.6 |
01.04.2009 |
16.9 |
01.07.2009 |
18.5 |
01.10.2009 |
25.3 |
01.01.2010 |
30.9 |
01.04.2010 |
34.8 |
5.0 House Rent Allowance:
The house rent allowance to the non-executive employees of BSNL will be at the following rates and will be payable on revised pay w.e.f. 27th February, 2009 :-
Cities with Population |
Rates of HRA |
50 Lakhs & above |
30% of Basic Pay |
5 to 50 Lakhs |
20% of Basic Pay |
Less than 5 Lakhs |
10% of Basic Pay |
6.0 City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)
CCA stands dispensed w.e.f.27.02.2009. The amount equal to CCA already paid to some employees in accordance with this office letter No.1-22/2009-PAT(BSNL) dated 04-06-2009, shall be adjusted against the pay revision arrears.
7.0 Perks and Allowance:
Perks & allowances will be paid as per existing regulatory conditions applicable in case of particular perks/allowance to the non-executive employees as per the details given below, with effect from 07.05.2010.
7.2 Allowances:
7.2.1 |
Transport Allowance |
Existing amount will continue. It will be reviewed on 01.01.2012 or as and when Transport Allowance for executives in general in BSNL is revised, which ever is earlier. |
7.2.2 |
Transport Allowance for handicapped employees |
Existing amount will continue. It will be reviewed on 01.01.2012 or as and when Transport Allowance for executives in general in BSNL is revised, which ever is earlier. |
7.2.3 |
Special (Duty) Allowance, Island Special Duty Allowance, Hard Area Allowance |
Existing amount will continue on revised basic pay. The eligibilities and attendant conditions will be applicable as in the case of BSBL Executives. |
7.2.4 |
Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance, Special Compensatory (bad climate) Allowance, Special Compensatory (HIll Areas) Allowance, and Scheduled / Tribal Area Allowance. |
Existing amount of allowance as applicable to the relevant pre-revised pay slabs will be increased by 75%. The eligibilities and attendant condtions will be applicable as in the case of BSNL Executives. |
7.2.5 |
City Maintenacne Allowance. |
Existing amount of allowance stands increased by 50%. |
7.2.6 |
Cash Handling Allowance. |
Existing amount of allowance stands increased by 50%. |
7.2.7 |
Escort Allowance (Gr. D accompanying Cashier) |
Existing amount of allowance stands increased by 50%. |
7.2.8 |
Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy. |
Existing rates & amount will continue |
7.3 Perks Specific in BSNL:
7.3.1 |
Food Allowance |
Discontinued |
7.3.2 |
Skill Up-gradation Allowance |
In order to help non-executive employees of BSNL up-grade their skills, a new allowance @ 2% of revised basic pay per month will be paid |
7.3.3 |
Rural Duty Allowance |
Existing amount will continue |
7.4 Other Misc. Allowance:
7.4.1 |
Existing rate will continue. It will be reviewed on 01.01.2012 |
7.4.2 |
TA, DA and Hotel Rates |
Existing rate will continue. It will be reviewed on 01.01.2012 or as and when these allowances are revised for executives in general in BSNL, whichever is earlier. |
7.4.3 |
Training Allowance |
The rate of Training Allowance stands modified to 7.5% of revised basic pay |
7.4.4 |
Fixed Conveyance Allowance |
Existing amount of allowance stands increased by 50% |
7.5 Holidays, Leave, Working Hours and LTC etc.
7.5.1 |
Holidays and Casual Leave |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.2 |
Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave & Commuted Leave |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.3 |
Paternity Leave |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.4 |
Working Hours |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.5 |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.6 |
Earned Leave Encashment |
Existing arrangement in respect of non-executives employees will continue. |
7.5.7 |
Uniform, Stiching Charges, Rain Coats, chappals, Shoes, Washing Allowance etc. |
Existing arrangement will continue till an alternate policy is worked out by a joint committee of Management and staff side. |
7.5.8 |
Family Planning Increment |
Existing amount on corresponding pre-revised scale will continue. It will be revised as and when such revision takes place for Executives. |
7.5.9 |
Other Special Pay Existing in BSNL |
Existing rates / amount on corresponding pre-revised scale will continue. It will be revised as and when such revision takes place for Executives. |