Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group’C’ to Group ‘B’ posts
RBE No. 46 / 2010
New Delhi, Dated 29-03-2010
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
Sub.: Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group’C’ to Group ‘B’ posts in the major departments having ‘Organised Services’ (except Accounts Department).
Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No. E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.2004, 26.12.2008 and 29.04.2009.
In terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 22.7.2004, Group’C’ employees with 03/05 year of non-fortuitous service in the grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- and in higher Group’C’ grades (Vth CPC) are eligible for being considered for appearing in the 70% Selection / 30% LDCE for promotion to Group’B’ in the major departments having ‘Organised Services”. Consequent upon implementation of the pay scales recommended by the VI Pay Commission, instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 18.11.2004 regarding eligibility conditions for promotion to 70% quota of Group’B’ posts of Assistant Personnel Officers have since been modified vide Board’s letter of even number dated 26.12.2008.
2. Now, consequent upon implementation of the pay scales recommended by the VI Pay Commission, the matter regarding eligibility conditions for appearing in the Selection/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in the major departments having ‘Organised Services’ (except Accounts Department), has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that :
i) For Group ‘B’ selections (70% quota),Group’C’ employees working in pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34,800) with Grade Pay of Rs.4200 and above with 3 years of non-fortuitous service in the grade (including non-fortuitous service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised grades) will be eligible.
ii) For Group’B’ selections (30% LDCE quota), Group’C’ employees working in pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34,800) with Grade Pay of Rs.4200 and above with 5 years of non-fortitous service in the grade (including non-fortuitous service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised grades) will be eligible.
iii) In the integrated seniority of Group’C’ employees eligible for Group’B’ selections (70% quota), employees in Pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9300-34,800) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 will be placed above those in Pay Band PB-2 (Rs.9,300-34,800) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200. In either category, the relative seniority of employees coming from different streams will be determined with reference to length of non-fortuitous service in the Scale of PB-2 + 4200, as the case may be.
3. Selections to Group’B’ which are already in progress may be proceeded with and finalized as per the existing principles. All fresh selections including those which have been initiated but where the written examination has not ben held, should be held in accordance with the instructions contained herein. The LDCE, wherever the same is in force, is a part of the process of filling vacancies in Group ‘B’. Therefore, whatever is followed in the case of 70% Selection, may also be followed in the case of corresponding LDCE.
4. Please acknowledge receipt. Hindi version will follow.
I learnt that the medical allowance was inhenced from Rs. 100/- To Rs. 300/- per month by 6th pay commission. but am inform that the same is not getting me yet.
It is there for requested that my case may please be reconsidered and necessary steps may please be taken to enable me the new rate with arriers. and please reply me what i do for gt a allowance from new rate with arriers.
Mr. Vijay V. Sone
Mail ID jaya781@gmail.com
Mobile No. 09923778121 /09422520505
Your's Thankfull.