Board of Governors of KVS has decided to restore old quota policy for admission

KVs restore old quota policy for admission

To ensure smooth admission for children of Central government employees, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan has restored its earlier quota policy under which the class strength would not be affected while accommodating students in reserved category.

As per the restored system, reservation will be given to students over and above the existing strength of a class in a central school.

According to this system, each class will have 40 seats. But another five students can be given admission under reserved category.

The students given admission under reserved category will be above the normal strength, the Board of Governors of KVS has decided.

"The reserved students will not eat away the seats for general category students. The reservation will be above the existing class strength," a ministry official said.

The KVS was following this quota system previously. But it was amended few months back bringing the quota seats within the class strength.

However, it created problems for the kids of Central government employees who very often are transferred and have to look for fresh admission for their kids in new schools.

The KVS has also put in place a new transfer policy under which those teachers will be given most priority to get transfer if their spouses are working in the school of their choice.

The KVS has also decided to set up one disabled friendly school in each of its 18 regions.

These schools will have all facilities to help physically challenged students get education.

Besides, teachers of Sanskrit can now switch over to Hindi by appearing certain examination. This will open up their promotional avenues, the official said.


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