Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations amendment of Service Rules - regarding

No. AB.1401716112008-Estt. (RR)IPt.


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Loknayak Bhavan, Khan Market
New Delhi, Dated 15th December, 2009


Subject:-Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations - amendment of Service Rules - regarding

This Department in OM No.AB1401716112008-Estt(RR) dated 24.3.2009 issued the guidelines for amendment of Service RuleslRecruitment Rules for incorporating the changes arising out of 6th CPC recommendations.

2. The 6th CPC have also recommended for bringing uniformity in eligibility criteria across various organized Group A Services for promotions. The issue has been examined and in the light of these, it has been decided that the following steps to amend the existing Service Rules shall be undertaken on priority basis:

(i) For promotion to SAG level, the eligibility requirement shall be " Officers in the JAG with 8 years' regular service in the grade including NFSG OR Officers with 17 years' regular service in Group 'A' posts in the service out of which atleast 4 years' regular service should be in the JAG (including service rendered in the NFSG of the JAG."

(ii) For promotion to HAG level, the eligibility requirement shall be " Officers in the SAG with 3 years' regular service in the grade OR Officers with 25 years' regular service in Group 'A' posts in the service out of which atleast 1 year' regular service should be in the SAG."

3. The cadre controlling authorities of the various Organized Group A Services may initiate action for appropriate amendments in the Service Rules.


Anonymous said…
anyhow please check the number of OM and the reference quoted. It may be No. AB.14017/61/2008-Estt. (RR). seems typographic error.

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