CVC disposed of 472 cases in September 2009


The Central Vigilance Commission disposed of 472 cases during September 2009 referred to it for advice. The Commission advised initiations of major penalty proceedings against 111 officers. Of these, 24 were from M/o Railways, 19 from Govt. of NCT of Delhi, 15 from MCD, 14 from public sector banks, 4 each Deptt. of Education, Deptt. of Defence Production, Ministry of Urban Development & EPFO and 3 each Central Coalfields Ltd. , NDMC, LIC and Ministry of External Affairs The remaining 11 cases pertained to different departments of the Government of India and PSUs.

The Commission also advised imposition of major penalty against 70 officers including 11 from Public Sector Banks, 8 from Central Board of Excise and Customs, 7 from MCD, 6 from Deptt. of Telecommunications, 5 each from United India Insurance Co. Ltd. & Ministry of Defence, 4 each from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan & Ministry of Railways, 3 from Central Board of Direct Taxes, 2 each from National Insurance Co. Ltd., Central Coalfields Ltd., CPWD & DDA Remaining 9 cases pertained to different departments of the Government of India and PSUs.

The Commission disposed 1131 complaints during the month. Of these, 987 complaints were sent for necessary action/ATR whereas 144 complaints were sent for investigation and report.

On the Commission’s recommendations, the competent authorities issued sanctions for prosecution against 26 officers including 18 from CBEC, 3 from Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, 2 from CBDT and one each from Home Affairs, BSNL & Ministry of Railways. Major penalty was imposed on 47 officers. These included 16 from Public Sector Banks, 14 from Ministry of Railways, 7 MCD and 3 from DDA. The remaining 7 cases pertained to different departments of the Government of India and PSUs.

Recoveries to the tune of Rs. 61.25 crore were affected after Commission conducted technical examination of some departments.


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