Air Travel on official account - both domestic and international


Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure


NewDelhi,Dated 1st October,2009.

Subject:- Air Travel on official account - both domestic and international

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's OM of even number 13.7.2009 vide which it was notified that in all cases of air travel, where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, travel would be restricted through Air India.

Air India has now offered following packages/concessions for Govt.of India officials w.e.f.1st October 2009:-

(A) Domestic Sectors:
(i) 4 Coupon Supersaver booklet in Economy class will be priced at Rs.26,816/- to be provided with multiple user facility to GOI officials, valid for travel for 6 months from the date of purchase. The price of these booklets will be reviewed every 6 months i.e. 1st April and 1st October, based on market fares and market conditions. Booking on this booklet will be in 'W' Class.

(ii) Against purchase of 25 booklets, one booklet of 4 coupons will be free of cost.

(B) International Sectors:

IATA Fare Market Fare
RBD Discount RBD Discount
F/J 25% F/J 15%
Y 15% B/H 10%
YE 10% K/L/M 5%

Against International travels amounting to Rs.8 Lakhs (Basic and Fuel Surcharge), one Supersaver booklet of 4 coupons will be offered free of cost which will be valid on Domestic sectors only.

3. The free super saver booklets in A(i) and B above are being offered in lieu of FFP mileage points, which henceforth will not accrue to GOI personnel individually.

4. It may be clarified that in addition to supersaver booklet cost, applicable govt. taxes and airport fees/levies shall be paid separately.

5. All Ministries/Departments are requested to avail these concessional facilities being offered by Air India to Government of India.

DDOs/PAOs who fail to comply with the provisions of Section 192 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 would be liable to pay interest under section 201(1)/(1A) of Income Tax Act along with other penal consequences.


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