Ordnance MCM will get Rs.4200 Grade Pay at par with Railways MCM

The demand to establish the payment of MCM-Ordnance at par with Railway MCM-Ordnance will not be heard again.

The problem which started with 5th CPC has been settled with the emergence of 6th CPC. Ordnance-MCM who had been availing payment equivalent to Railway-MCM till 4th CPC, after the establishment of 5th CPC ceased to receive so. After 5th CPC, Ordnance-MCM received pay range as Rs.4500-7000 , whereas Railways received pay range of Rs.5000-8000.

The demand which started at that time has been rendered to action by the government at last.

A Fast Track Committee was put into formation to solve the problem that arose for Railways MCM. Ordnance and Postal departments too joined the committee. The committee disscussed various issues at various time period.

A condition was put forth that for the implementation of Rs.5000-8000 to Ordnance-MCM they have to accept the proposal of dividing Highly Skilled Grade into two segments. Having accepted the proposal the Ordnance MCM was granted their plea by the Government.

As a goodwill of this, 50 percent of the Highly Skilled Grade (Rs.2400 Grade Pay) will rise to Rs.2800 Grade Pay.

Along with this, all the MCM will receive Rs.4200 Grade Pay. This has been regarded as a historical achievement.

Along with the change in grade pay for promotion, 3 percent hike in increment has now been known. Accordingly, 50 percent of Highly Skilled Grade will receive Rs.400 plus one increment.

For MCM as a whole they would receive Rs.1400 plus one increment. Also there is chance for increase in basic pay.

Along side, to having changed to Rs.4200 Grade Pay there are privileges of availing II nd tier A/C and Airway travel resulting in abundance of joy as a whole, and they are not failing to thank all the Unions and Federations for their great effort.

It is not exaggeration to say that the Ordnance employees are in sheer joy and excitement to having achieved for what they have been toiling for over ten years.

Related Post: To set up Fast Track Committee for MCM


Anonymous said…
Pl. give the link WWW.CGSTAFFNEWS.COM for this post.
Thank you.
Sir I would like to know whether this is also e legible for Indian postal department or not . According Finance minister,s OM and extract of condition of OM the postal unions and postal department also participated and convinced.
The postal department clerical cadre who have RS 4500-125 -7000 scale since 5 Th pay commission ie 01.01.1996 also eligible for this.
Kindly clarify this at once for happiness of 2.5 lakh of postal staff.
murali A Somayajulu postal assistant, Visakhaptnam Andhrapradesh 530001, e mail id ; murali_viswanadh@rediffmail.com
mobile no 09290016534
residence; 44.34.43/9 9 Viswaprabha apartment Akkayyapalem
Visakhpatnam 530016
Anonymous said…
Mr.Murali Pl. refer the web page for your doubts.
sathyanandan said…
1. Civilian Motor driver grade I are equal grade pay with the MCM i.e. 2800/- At least 50% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) have the right to get promotion as Special Grade. in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 those who are completed of 24 years regular service, due the following reasons :-

(a). As per the latest policy, only 5% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers ( Special Grade) (Staff Car Drivers) are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 at the time of retirement on completion of 35 to 37 years of service, due to the introduction four grade structure i.e. Ordinary grade, Grade II ,Grade I & Special grade in the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5 respectively. Earlier there was three grade structure. However, due to ban on recruitment , 50% of CMDs are having more than 25 years of regular service and waiting for promotion as Special grade. Therefore, it is a matter of fact that minimum 50% of senior most CMDs have the right to get promotion as Special Grade.

The grade ratio has to be revised to 50% instead of 5% or time scale promotion be recommended to Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers)
(b) All those who are initially appointed in the Group ‘C’ category ( including skilled industrial personnel), are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 after completion of 24 years except Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). (b) The semiskilled industrial personnel who are appointed before 1982 and got more than three promotions and more than two financial up gradations are granted the pay scale of Rs, 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 yrs under the ACP Scheme(For. e.g., WIREMAN, LINEMAN, SBA, MPA, PHO, DES, PAINTER, CARPENTER, MASON, PLUMPER, PIPEFITTER etc).All these categories were semiskilled before 1982. However, CMDs who are Group ‘C’ (Skilled) employee since the Independence of India are not getting the pay scale of Rs 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 years.The mazdoor, chowkidar , peon who were re-classified as LDC are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 after completion of 24 yrs in the Group ‘C’ category. However, the mazdoors re- classified as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) are not getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 even after completion of 30 to 35 yrs as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). Further, four grade structure promotion has been introduced instead of three grade structure with the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5, which was adversely affected promotion of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). However, the grade structure of grade II and grade I have been merged in to one grade in case of Industrial tradesmen and JEs (Supdt gde I &II) , O/S (Asst& O/S), Draftsman( Gde II & Gde I), Supvr.B/S (Gde II &Gde I), & Stenos (Gde II & Gde I) which was very favour to them. The implementation of three grade structure in case of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) also by merging the CMD Gde I and Special Gde into one grade is very essential in the ratio of 30:30:40 for justification. Justice delayed is justice denied
unfortunately the MOD is stopped the process untill further order. Will fedarations look in to the matter.?

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