National Pension Scheme (New Pension Scheme)

Some questions and answers about New Pension Scheme (NPS)

1. What is the New Pension System (NPS)?
The NPS is a new contributory pension scheme introduced by the Central Government for its own new employees. Under the new pension system, each new central government employee will open a personal retirement account on joining service. Every month, and till the employee retires or leaves government service, a part of the employee's salary will be transferred into this account. When the person retires, he will be able to use these savings to take care of the needs and expenses of his family during old age.

2. Who is covered by the NPS?
You are covered by the NPS if
a.You joined central government service on or after 01 January 2004, and
b.You are an employee of a Central (Civil) Ministry or Departments, or
c.You are an employee of a non-civil Ministry or Department including Railways, Posts, Telecommunication or Armed Forces (Civil), or
d.You are an employee of an Autonomous Body, Grant-in-Aid Institution, Union Territory or any other undertaking whose employees are eligible to a pension from the Consolidated Fund of India.

3. If I joined Central Government service on or after 01 January 2004 do I have an option of not being covered by the NPS?
No. The NPS is mandatory for you.

4. I am covered by the NPS. Do the old Pension Rules apply to me?
No. The Central Civil Service Pension Rules (1972) do not apply to you. You are covered only by the New Pension System Rules framed for the NPS.

5. I am covered by the NPS. Can I contribute to the GPF?
No. The General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, 1960 also do not apply to you. You will not be permitted to contribute towards GPF.

6. Am covered by the NPS. Am I eligible to Gratuity?
No. You will not be eligible to Gratuity.

7. How does the NPS work?
When you join Government service, you will be allotted a unique Personal Pension Account Number (PPAN). This unique account number will remain the same for the rest of your life. You will be able to use this account and this unique PPAN from any location and also if you change your job. The PPAN will provide you with two personal accounts:
1. A mandatory Tier-I pension account, and
2. A voluntary Tier-II savings account.

8. What is the difference between Tier-I and Tier-II accounts?
1. Tier-I account: You will have to contribute 10% of your basic+DA+DP into your Tier-I (pension) account on a mandatory basis every month. You will not be allowed to withdraw your savings from this account till you retire at age 60. Your monthly contributions and your savings in this account, subject to a ceiling to be decided by the government, will be exempt from income tax. These savings will only be taxed when you withdraw them at retirement.
2. Tier-II account: This is simply a voluntary savings facility for you. Your contributions and savings in this account will not enjoy any tax advantages. But you will be free to withdraw your savings from this account whenever you wish.

9. How will I contribute to my Tier-I (pension) account?
Every month, the government will deduct 10% of your salary (basic+DA+DP) and automatically transfer this amount to your Tier-I account in your name.

10. Will the Government contribute anything to my Tier-I (pension) account?
Yes. As your employer, the Government will match your contribution (10% of basic+DA+DP) and transfer this amount also to your Tier-I account in your name.

11. Can I contribute more than 10 into my Tier-I account?
Yes. You will be permitted to contribute more than the mandated 10% of Basic+DA+DP into your Tier-I account – subject to any ceiling that may be decided by the Government.

12. Will the Government also contribute more than 10 into my Tier-I account?
No. The contribution of the Government will be limited to 10% of your basic+DA+DP.

13. What will happen if I am transferred to another city or country?
The PPAN number will stay the same and you will be able to use the same accounts from anywhere in the world.

14. If I leave Government service before I retire will the Government continue to contribute to my Tier-I account?
No. The 10% contribution by the Government will stop when you leave Government service. However, your savings in your Tier-I and Tier-II accounts will stay in your name and you will be able to continue using these accounts to save for your retirement.

15. What if I die or become permanently disabled during my service?
Pl.refer Office Memorandum: Additional Relief on death/disability of Government servants covered by the NPS(New Pension Scheme) recruited on or after 1.1.2004 No.38/41/06/P&PW(A) Dated 5th May, 2009

16. Where will my savings be invested?
Each PFM will offer you a limited number of simple, standard schemes. You will be free to choose any of the following schemes for investing your savings:
Scheme A This scheme will invest mainly in Government bonds
Scheme B This scheme will invest mainly in corporate bonds and partly in equity and government bonds
Scheme C This scheme will invest mainly in equity and partly in government bonds and corporate bonds.

17. I am covered by the NPS. Do the old Pension Rules apply to me?
No. The Central Civil Service Pension Rules (1972) do not apply to you. You are covered only by the New Pension System Rules framed for the NPS.

18. I am covered by the NPS. Can I contribute to the GPF?
No. The General Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, 1960 also do not apply to you. You will not be permitted to contribute towards GPF.

19. Who will be responsible for the NPS and for protecting my interests?
The Government is setting up a new dedicated regulatory authority. This will be named the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). The PFRDA will be responsible for the NPS and for protecting your interests in the NPS.

20. When will my contributions start?
Your contributions (and the matching contribution by the Government) towards your Tier-I pension account will begin only from the month following the month in which you join Government service. During the first month of your service, you will be allotted the PPAN.(PRAN)

21. Who in the Government will issue me a PPAN open my accounts and be responsible for the deductions?
When you join service, your Drawing and Disbursement Officer (DDO) will instruct you to fill out a NPS form. You will be required to provide your full professional and personal details including details of your nominee in this form. The DDO will issue you the PPAN number(PRAN) and will also be responsible for all administrative matters related to your NPS accounts including deduction of your contributions, transferring your contributions and the matching contribution of the Government to your Tier-I pension account.

22. What will happen to my contributions to my Tier-I account?
Your monthly contributions, and the matching contributions by the Government into your Tier-I account, will be transferred by the Government in your name to a Pension Fund Manager (PFM). The PFM will invest your contributions on your behalf. In this way, your savings will earn an interest and grow over time.

23. Which agency will serve as a PFM?
The PFRDA will appoint a limited number of leading professional firms to act as PFMs. One of these PFMs will be a public sector agency.

24. Who will decide which PFM manages my contributions and savings?
You will select a PFM to manage your contributions and savings.

25. Will I be permitted to select more than one PFM to manage my savings?
Yes. If you wish, you will be able to spread your savings across multiple PFMs – where a part of your savings are managed by 2 or more PFMs.

26. Will I be permitted to change my PFM preference?
Yes. If you wish, you will be free to change the PFM and move all your savings to another PFM of your choice.

27. Where will my savings be invested?
Each PFM will offer you a limited number of simple, standard schemes. You will be free to choose any of the following schemes for investing your savings:
Scheme A This scheme will invest mainly in Government bonds
Scheme B This scheme will invest mainly in corporate bonds and partly in equity and government bonds
Scheme C This scheme will invest mainly in equity and partly in government bonds and corporate bonds

28. Will I be able to select more than one scheme?
Yes. You will be free to spread your savings across these three schemes. Whenever you decide, you will also be free to switch your savings from one scheme to another.

29. How will my contributions be transferred to the PFM and scheme selected by me?
You will specify the PFM and scheme to your DDO. The DDO will arrange for transfer of your contributions to the PFM(s) and scheme(s) that you have selected.

30. What rate of return will my contributions earn?
Your contributions will not earn any specified rate of return. The PFM will invest your savings in a scheme of your choice.The returns earned by the PFM on the scheme selected by you will be credited to your account.

31. Will I have to pay any fees or charges under NPS?
You will have to pay a fee to the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) which will maintain your accounts and also to the PFM(s) which manage your savings. These charges will be deducted from your savings on a periodic basis. The fees and charges by the CRA and PFMs will be regulated by the PFRDA.

32. Can I contribute more than the 10 of basic+DA+DP into my TierI account at the moment?
No. You will be allowed to do so only when the PFRDA, CRA and PFMs are appointed.

33. What will happen to my contributions and earnings in my Tier-I account when the PFRDA CRA and PFMs etc. are appointed?
Your full contributions, matching contributions by the Government, and the interest earned on the same will be transferred in your name to the PFM and scheme selected by you.

34. Will I have the option of continuing with the current 8 percent rate of return?
No. Once your savings are transferred to the PFM, your savings will enjoy only the rate of return earned by the PFM on scheme you have selected.

35. When will I be permitted to withdraw from my Tier-I account?
You will be able to withdraw your savings in your Tier-I account at age 60.

36. What will happen to my savings in the Tier-I account when I retire?
You will be able to withdraw 60% of your savings as a lumpsum when you retire. You will be required to use the balance 40% of your savings to purchase an annuity scheme from a life insurance company of your choice. The life insurance company will pay you a monthly pension for the rest of your life.

37. Can I use more than 40 of my savings to purchase the annuity?

38. What will happen to my savings if I decide to retire before age 60?
You will be required to use 80% of your savings in your Tier-I account to purchase the annuity. You will be able to withdraw the balance 20% of your savings as a lumpsum.

39. Will the annuity also provide a family (survivor) pension?
Yes. You will have an option of selecting an annuity which will pay a survivor pension to your spouse.

40. What will happen to my savings if I decide to retire before age 60?
You will be required to use 80% of your savings in your Tier-I account to purchase the annuity. You will be able to withdraw the balance 20% of your savings as a lumpsum.

41. What will happen to my savings in the Tier-I account when I retire?
You will be able to withdraw 60% of your savings as a lumpsum when you retire. You will be required to use the balance 40% of your savings to purchase an annuity scheme from a life insurance company of your choice. The life insurance company will pay you a monthly pension for the rest of your life.

42. What if I die or become permanently disabled during my service?
The Government is yet to issue any guidelines on this.

43. Will I have to pay any fees or charges under NPS?
You will have to pay a fee to the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) which will maintain your accounts and also to the PFM(s) which manage your savings. These charges will be deducted from your savings on a periodic basis. The fees and charges by the CRA and PFMs will be regulated by the PFRDA.

44. What will happen to my contributions to my Tier-I account?
Your monthly contributions, and the matching contributions by the Government into your Tier-I account, will be transferred by the Government in your name to a Pension Fund Manager (PFM). The PFM will invest your contributions on your behalf. In this way, your savings will earn an interest and grow over time.



The NPS is not yet clarified to many newly recruited govt servants at all.Even the govt is not finalised many things like disabled govt servant etc.Before that why govt want to impliment this in a half cooked manner.How a a govt servant will know where to invest his money,these things govt should take care to protect the future of govt servants.Will the govt do it???
Rohan said…
In the section D while obtaining the PRAN which has three schemes are still neither cleared nor any statement of the entitled companies have been made available to us. On the other hand if we do not choose option by default govt can choose. In addition we are asked to apply for PRAN else our 60% arrrear of the pay commision will not be released. what a pity! is not it?
shubham said…
I have resign from a central gov. job. I was covered under new pension scheme. I want to withdraw my PF amount. Pl. suggest how to get it?
petikam said…
I served for 2years and 3 months (Feb 2004-June2006) in a institute under Min. of Commerce, GOI in the pay scale of 8000-275-13,500, followed by 3 years service (June2006-June2009) in a State Agricultural University, in the same pay scale.
Currently I have got appointment in a research Institute under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (under Min . of Agriculture, GOI) in initial pay band of 15600-36000 with 8000 research grade pay. Through out a deduction of 10% of my salary towards New Pension Scheme was contributed.
My query is How should I proceed to pool all my contributions towards NPS during previous services to the place of my current place of work.
I do not have PRAN as of now. Should I get PRAN first then request the earlier institutes to shift my contributions to it ??

Please advise..
wakil said…
new pension scheme is just to befool the employees. who knows given the uncertainty around there may be scams
GoanSadSoul said…
I have a peculiar situation. I was selected via the UPSC in april 2003. The Government gave a memorandum in November 2003. I did my medicals and Police clearance in Decemeber 2003. My appointment letter was ready in mid Demcemeber 2003; meanwhile the Director went on christmas leave and as such did not sign my appointment order till the 3rd of January 2004. I joined on the 4th of Jan 2004. Because of the leave of the director I am placed in the "New Pension Scheme" .I would prefer to be in the old pension Scheme. Do I have any chance to appeal to the Government to grant me the Old Pension scheme. Please help.
Anonymous said…
Is the govt contribution of 10% of (Basic+DA) considered to be part of my salary for income tax purpose and savings under Section 80 C. i feel it should not be so but it is being charged so... please quote the authority clarifying this issue. Thank You
Unknown said…
i have left govt service and want to withdraw the amount in my pension account. Can i withdraw it immediately or is it advisable that i continue using it..? Please suggest
prashant said…
i served central dept nearly for three and half from 2006to 2009. i resigned from this dept and surrender all my documents necessary including ppan card. after resigning i have joined another central govt dept. and applied for new ppan as i have surrendered old ppan ppan no is issued according to detals of new dept but not despatched.the reason for not despatching new ppan card is said from helpline (nsdl) that new ppan card is treated as duplicate because old one surrendered is not cancelled as the official said that exact procedure of cancellation is not known.presently i dont have any ppan card (old one surrendered and new one is not despatched ).What should i do now? please suggest
Anonymous said…
Dear Prashant ...u should not have surrendered the oln PRAN card ...instead the same number could be used in the new department (and u could have asked for the changes in the other details of the card)and the account could be continued, as according the present rules.
I hv similar situation but I got the card in new dept. and not in old dept.
-Srinivas :-)
Anonymous said…
how can i check my NPS account balance & details Pl. suggest how to now it?
Anonymous said…
will an employee joining the central govt after 2010 get benifits lik pf and gratuity apart from the new pension scheme on retirement
Unknown said…
I joined Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in April 2006 and resigned in Aug 2009.I was covered under new pension scheme.BIS not alloted me PPAN number.I want to withdraw my PF amount. Pl. suggest what yo do to withdraw my PF amount.

Aruna Saini
Anonymous said…
Why the Govt. is not giving the Gratuity benefit for the person, covered under NPS? Don't you think it's a loss to them and their service pattern.?

Raahi Sharma said…
Sir, please tell me, if we open our CPF Tier-II account than govt. contribute in Tier-II account same as Tier-I, please reply me on
rajrndra said…
sir can i withdraw some amount from my account when i am in emergency like conventional PF account and what s the procedure for it.
sanjeev sharma said…
our office is an centre govt. autonomous body. I had joined in 1996 and would like to join NPS. Please let me know whether I should opt for this or not and also tell me whether I would get gratuity or not. At present we have CPF facility in which we have gratuity facility. Please advise.
Apurba J said…
My friend joined Govt service in 2000. Now he want to change his job & go for a higher post in another Govt, organisation with service & seniority benefits. He applied through proper cahnnel.

will his old pension scheme continue?
Anonymous said…
please tell me, if we open our CPF Tier-II account than govt. contribute in Tier-II account same as Tier-I, please reply me
August 21,2012
Asok said…
1.CPF can be withdrwan after serving 5 year only on resignation. No premature withdrwal allowed prior to 5 year on resignation. Those who resign before serving 5 year has to forgo their contribution on CPF.
2. No withdrawal alloed from Tier I at any point of time except death or retirement
3.Government will not contribute more than 10 % of Basic+D.A in Tier I even though you wish to contribute more
3.Government will not contribute Any thing in Tier II .But it has all facility like PPF ( Minimum contribution Rs. 250 Per year,Withdrwal at anytime,But no assured return like PPF ( 8 or 8.5 % interest)
4.Minimum anticipated contributory pension for a Class I government servant joining at an age 35 age today can expect Rs.5000-6000 after 25 years.
5. There is still no clarity about CGHS or othor health coverage for New pensioners after retirement. As per current available info They have to approach any health Insurance agency after retirement for heath coverage for their them and family.
6. Govt is not assuring or providing any pension for new pensioners.They need to deposit their 60 % of final amount whatever they deposited along with govt and income generated from stock market in a pension fund may operated by any agency like SBI,LIC,UTI Reliance ro like. But They can opt any agency of their choice.Govt will not give any guarantee on performance of pension fund agency after retirement. But if agency close their operation done like UTI 64,there is no liability for govt.
7. The pension can be for family also but it depends on the the agency you choose and the amount may also vary with fund managers.
It will definitely reduce the pension amount if you opt for family pension also.
8. In nut shell after retirement Govt is nowhere linked with any payment or assurance of any pay after retirement.

Unknown said…
I want to know about If I want to resign from the service earlier or within 02 yrs of service how much money do I receive from what I had contributed in NPF. whether I get the whole amount that I had contributed and the Government contributed in my account or I will get less than that.
Brajesh singh said…
I am working as a PGT ECO in NVS, I joined samiti in 2007. I opted for CPF scheme. Now I want to switch over to NPS. What should be done to move to NPS.
Shivaji Pame said…
S R Pame, Ahmednagar

I have joined central govt service during May 2005. As iam not clearly no what are the befits /losses of new pension scheme, and there is no clear notification/ instructions how it works. If i leaved my Job & join in Pvt sector Job, shall get the fully contributed amount, gratuity & leave encashment or i get only pension at the age of 60 years.
deepika banker said…
new pension scheme is just to befool the employees. who knows given the uncertainty around there may be scams
Anonymous said…
The retirement age of teaching staff in universities is 65 years. Will their contribution stop along with govt's share of contribution after attaining the age of 60 years. What are the rules and regulation regarding NPS in this category?
Raghubir said…
Govt to enhance pf @ 12%so that forced saving be increased for the interest of employees and govt as the rate of interest is declining and the PF corpus no increasing

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