Implementation of Govement’s decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission – Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs. 100/- p.m. to the Central Government pensioners residing in area not covered under CGHS.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
New Delhi-110003
Dated the 19th December, 1997
Subject: Implementation of Govement’s decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission – Grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs. 100/- p.m. to the Central Government pensioners residing in area not covered under CGHS.
The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission, announced in this Department’s resolution No.54/86/97-P&PW(A) dated 30.9.1997, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the grant of fixed medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to Central Government pensioners / family pensioners residing in areas not covered by Central Government Health Scheme administered by the Ministry of Health & family Welfare and corresponding Health Schemes administered by other Ministries / Departments for their retired employees for meeting expenditure on day-to-day medical expenses that do not require hospitalization.
2.These orders shall apply to Central Government pensioners / family pensioners, who at the time of retirement / death were governed by CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 or other corresponding rules in operation prior to commencement of these rules and are eligible for medical facilities after retirement. Separate orders will be issued by the respective administrative authorities in respect of members of Armed Forces, All India Services and Railway Pensioners / family pensioners 3. Existing pensioners as well as the future retirees shall have to exercise one time option to avail of medical facilities under CGHS or other similar Health Scheme of their respective Ministry / Department or to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs.100/- p.m. In the case of future retirees, the option shall be obtained by the Head of Office along with other pension papers and in case the retiring employee opts for medical allowance, specific entry to this effect shall be made in both the halves of PPO. The CGHS or other medical authorities while issuing card to the pensioner shall check the position in this regard accordingly i.e. card is valid only for indoor / outdoor patient treatment, as the case may be.
4. In the case of existing pensioners if they opt for medical allowance, an undertaking shall be required to be submitted by ;claimants to the effect that they are entitled to medical facilities under CGHS or other similar Scheme administered by the Central Government but are residing in areas where no such outdoor facilities are available. On the basis of this undertaking, pension disbursing authorities shall make an entry in regard to grant of medical allowance in the both halves of PPO of ;the individual concerned and authorise payment of medical allowance. Such an under taking can be obtained by Bank, Departmental PAO and Treasury once every year alongwith other certificates, the pensioner is required to furnish. As and when grant of medical allowance to a pensioner / family pensioner is authorised by the pension disbursing authority, intimation to this effect sh 5. Ministry of Health & Family welfare / other concerned Ministries shall issue necessary instructions to all dispensaries providing medical facilities to pensioners / family pensioners to check the PPO of the pensioners and endorse the CGHS or other card accordingly.
6.The payment shall be made to the pensioner by the Pension disbursing authority along with pension / family pension on monthly basis.
7.The payment of medical allowance shall be counted for as a part of Sub-Head under ‘Pension and other Retirement Benefits and no separate Head shall be opened for the purpose.
8.These orders will take effect form 1.12.97
9.In so far as, retired / retiring employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Additional Secretary (Pension)
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