AIFUCTO demands correct the variance with the notification of MHRD (Pay revision Fitment Table)



AIFUCTO President Prof. Thomas Joseph and General Secretary Prof. Asok Barman have welcomed the issue of the pay revision fitment table by MHRD,Govt. of India and expressed their strong reservations against the provision of the fitment table which is at variance with the notification of MHRD dated 31-12-2008. The fitment table order has denied one bunching benefit to all teachers in selection grade/reader designation. AIFUCTO has demanded that the anomaly be corrected immediately, failing which AIFUCTO will be compelled to respond by direct action.

AIFUCTO also demanded that all state governments immediately implement the new pay scales in accordance with the MHRD notification dated 31-12-2008. The leaders pointed out that the scales have already been implemented in central universities and that state level implementation is already long overdue .AIFUCTO warned that the teachers would resort to agitational action if there is any further delay in the implementation of scales in the states.

The National Executive Committee of AIFUCTO which is scheduled to meet at Shillong on 6.7.2009 will review the status of implementation and decide on the appropriate form of action to be resorted to at the central and state levels for the rectification of anomalies and implementation of the scales

Prof.Asok Barman

General Secretary


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