Special Recruitment Drive to fill up the backlog reserved vacancies for PERSONS with DISABLITIES...
If any vacancy reserved for any category of disability cannot be filled due to non-availability of a suitable person with that disability or for any other suffcient reason,
such vacancy is not filled and is carried forward as a 'backlog reserved vacancy' to the subsequent recruitment year. In the subsequent recruitment year, the 'backlog reserved vacancy' is treated as reserved for the caregory of disability for which it was kept reserved in the initial year of recruitment and filled as such.
However, if a suitable person with that disability is not available in the subsequent recruitment also, it may be filled by interchange among the three categories of disabilities, failing which by appointment of a person other than a person with disability. It may, thus, be seen that if a vacancy is earmarked reserved for any category of disability and a suitable person with that disability is not available to fill it up in the initial year of recruitment, it becomes a 'backlog reserved vacancy' for first subsequent recruitment year.
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