Revoke the Stoppage of referral - CGHS beneficiaries can now be referred to Narender Mohan Hospital, Ghaziabad (UP)
F.No.6-12/2008 - CGHS / Gr. Cell / 617
Government of India
Office of the Addl. Director (HQ)
Central Government Health Scheme
9, Bikaner House, New Delhi
Dated: 8.4.2009
Subject : Referral of CGHS beneficiaries to Narender Mohan Hospital, Ghaziabad - reg.
Reference is invited to this office letter of even number dated 14th Ocotber, 2008 by which referral of CGHSbeneficiaries to Narinder Mohan Hospital, Ghaziabad (UP) was stopped.
After examination of the representation of the Hospital and other records, it has now been decided by the Competent authority to revoke the stoppage of referral to Narender Mohan Hospital, Ghaziabad with immediate effect.
In other words, CGHS beneficiaries can now be referred to Narender Mohan Hospital, Ghaziabad for treatment as earlier.
(DR. S. Bhattacharjee)