Recommendations of the VI CPC - Decision relating to grant of PCO allowance
Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board
PC-VI No. 100 RBE No. 68 109 New Delhi dated 23.04.2009
No.E(P&A)I-2008/SP-1/WS-4 The General Managers All Indian Railways and PUs.
Dated: 24th March, 2009
Subject : Recommendations of the VI Central Pay Commission - Decision relating to grantof PCO Allowance to staff of Production Control Organisation.
Ref: Board's letter of even number dated 6.2.09.
With reference to Board's above quoted letter, a doubt has been raised by some of the Associationsas to whether Junior Engineers I & II drawing grade pay Rs. 4200 will be covered by the instructionscontained in Board's letter dt. 6.2.2009 for payment of P.C.O. Allowance @ 15%.
2. It is clarified that PCO Allowance may continue to be paid @ 15% to non-supervisory staff and JE-I & II drawing grade pay upto Rs.4200 and @ 7.5 % to SEs and SSEs drawing grade pay fo Rs.4600
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Chander Prakash
Joint Director, Estt.(P&A)
Railway Board