Pay Protection - Transfer under commpassionate ground

The Hon'ble Mr.R.Ganesan, Administrative Member
The Hon'ble Mr.K.Elango, Judicial Member
1. Union of India rep. by
Ministry of Defence Department of Defence Production
New Delhi - 110 001.
2.The Chairman
Ordnance Factories Board
10-A Auckland Road ........................ Respondents in both the OAs
Kolkatta - 700 001.
3.The Senior General Manager
Heavy Vehicles Factory
Chennai 600 054.
4.The General Manager
Cordite Factory ........................... 4th respondent in OA 414/2006
Counsel for the applicant................. M/s. Paul and Paul in both the
Counsel for the respondents............. Mr.R.Priyakumar in both the OAs.
(Order pronounced by the Hon'ble Mr.R.Ganesan,
Administrative Member)
The applicants in O.A.Nos.414 and 416/2006 working in Heavy Vehicles Factory, Avadi, Chennai have sought the following reliefs:
a) for declaration, declaring the undertaking dated 2005 given by the applicant as illegal and void.
b)for consequential order quashing the Factory Order No.668 dated 20.3.2006 of the third respondent as illegal and void.
c) for consequential direction to the respondents to fix the pay of the applicant at Rs.4200/- with effect from 26.9.2005 with all attendant benefits like increments, arrears of pay etc.
d) for such further or other relief or reliefs as this Hon'ble Tribunal deems fit in the circumstances of the case and thus render justice."
OA No.416/2006
a) for quashing of the Factory Order No.794 dated 29.3.2006 together with the rejection letter No.0906/LB/DG/2006 dated 2.4.2006 of the third respondent as illegal and void.
b) for consequential direction to the respondents to grant and protect the pay scale of the applicant as Rs.4000-6000/- and fix the pay of the applicant at Rs.4300/- as drawn by the applicant prior to the issuance of the impugned order dated 29.3.2006 with all attendant benefits like increments, arrears of pay etc. or in the alternative grant pay protection to the applicant and fix the pay of the applicant at Rs.4200/- with effect from 19.9.2005 with all attendant benefits like increments, arrears of pay etc.,
c) For such further or other relief or reliefs as this Hon'ble Tribunal deems fit in the circumstances of the case and thus render justice."
2. As the relief sought for by the applicants is of the same nature namely protection of pay on transfer from one unit to another, they are disposed of by this common order.
OA No.414/2006
3. The applicant was originally appointed in semi skilled grade in the Cordite Factory, Aravankadu on 9.12.1999 and presently working in Highly skilled grade in H.V.F. Avadi in the pay scale of Rs.4000-6000/-. He was transferred from Aravankadu to Avadi in the lower skilled grade in the scale of pay of Rs.3050-4590/- with effect from 26.9.2005. At the time of transfer the applicant was drawing Rs.4200/- in the scale of pay of Rs.4000-6000/-. However, the administration while considering the applicant for transfer had taken an undertaking from him that he would not claim for pay protection which he was otherwise entitled to as per the provisions of Fundamental Rules. As the applicant had given an undertaking by the force of circumstances, by applying the undertaking, his pay was fixed at Rs.3350/- with effect from 1.12.2005 in the scale of pay of Rs.3050-4590/-. According to him, he was entitled for pay protection under FR 22(1)(a)(3) but he was denied the same on the ground that he had given an undertaking against claiming pay protection.
4. The applicant contended that similarly placed employees in the neighboring Engine Factory and also in the same factory such pay protection has been granted. The applicant has lost his seniority due to transfer but he cannot be further burdened loss of pay as well as loss of service rendered by him prior to his transfer. Since the applicant has been informed that any representation on the subject would not be considered at all in view of the undertaking given by him, he has filed the O.A.
5. The respondents in their reply to O.A.No.414/2006 submitted that the applicant was transferred from Cordite Factory Aravankadu on reversion from CPW LM highly skilled grade to Machinist skilled in the pay scale of RS.3050-459-/- as per applicant's request on compassionate ground with effect from 26.9.2005, while he was drawing the basic pay of Rs.4200/- at that time of his transfer in the scale of Rs.4000-6000/-.Regarding fixation of pay, the applicant has given an undertaking that on his reversion in the Machinist 'S' Grade, the pay will be fixed in the Skilled grade,on the principle of had the applicant continued as Skilled what would have drawn as basic pay in the Skilled Grade he will not claim at any stage for protection of pay in higher grade and as such agree to bear the loss in his basic pay. The applicant also had given an undertaking that he will not claim pay protection as per Ministry of Defence OM P.C.No.A/07502/Org.4(Civ)(d)3140/d (Civ)dated 31.5.1980 where posting/transfer involves reduction in the trade, the pay will be fixed by giving the benefit of completed years of service rendered in the previous post. Accordingly the applicant's pay was fixed at Rs.3350/- with effect from 1.12.2005 with next date of increment being 1.12.2006 in the pay scale of RS.3050-4590/-. The applicant had on his own and not under any force given his undertaking the option to come over to the lower scale because of his own personal requirements and the order was on compassionate ground and the transfer order was not in public interest. In such a situation the pay will be fixed by giving the benefit of completed years of service rendered in the previous post and FR 22 (1) (a) (c) cannot be applied to his case. The respondents added that as per the DOPT clarification vide OM No.16/6/2001-Estt. Pay-I dated 14.2.2006 regarding fixation of pay in cases of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a) and to fix the pay if the maximum of the pay scale of the lower post is less than the pay drawn by the applicant in the higher post, his pay maybe restricted to the maximum of the lower scale under FR 22(1)(a) (3). But this order take effect from the date of issue of the order dated 14.2.2006 and the past case already decided need not be reopened. The applicant case being an old case prior to the issue of DOPT OM dated 14.2.2006, the applicant's pay cannot be fixed as per FR 22(1)(a)(3). For the above reasons they pleaded for the dismissal of the O.A.
5. The applicant has filed a rejoinder reiterating the averments made in the O.A. He had listed various names who got the benefit of pay protection under similar circumstances. He stated that out of 204 transfers nearly 80 employees have been given pay protection and all those transfers prior to 14.2.2006 the date of clarificatory memorandum by which the applicant is denied the benefit.
OA NO.416/2006
6.The applicant in this O.A. was appointed on 8.2.1991 in the Fitter skilled grade at HAPP, Trichy, promoted to Skilled grade in 1993 and highly skilled grade in 2003 and he was placed in the scale of pay of Rs.4000-6000/- vide order dated 19.2.2003. While working as Highly skilled employee at HAPP Trichy, the applicant was transferred to the third respondent factory on the basis of his request. An undertaking had been obtained from the applicant at the time of his transfer. However the applicant was transferred to the lower skilled grade in the third respondent factory, which carried the pay scale of Rs.3050-4590 (revised). The applicant joined the transferred post on 19.9.2005. At the time of transfer the applicant was drawing Rs.4200/- in the pay scale ofRs.4000-6000/-by virtue of the financial upgradation granted to him. Therefore, the applicant was entitled to pay scale protection as per ACP scheme or atleast the pay protection as per the provisions of the fundamental rules and other instructions/clarifications issued by the Govt. of India. Though his pay was rightly fixed at Rs.4200/- initially by order dated 29.3.2006, it was again refixed at Rs.3875/- with effect from 1.5.1996 in the pay scale of 3050-4590 applicable to skilled grade. According to him he was drawing Rs.4200/- at the time of his transfer and therefore he was entitled to pay protection under FR 22 (1) (a)(3). No notice was issued to the applicant before ordering refixation of pay. He represented to the third respondent on 27.4.2006 for cancellation of the impugned order but the same was rejected. He also contends that similarly placed employees were given pay protection and financial upgradation which has been denied to him.
7. The respondents have in their separate reply in O.A.NO.416/2006 confirmed the facts as detailed in the O.A. by the applicant, adding that the pay was initially fixed at Rs.4200/- with effect from 19.9.2005 in the scale of pay of Rs.4000-6000/- since he was granted ACP with effect from 19.3.2003 in the skilled grade before his promotion to highly skilled grade with effect from 20.5.2003. The proposal was submitted to the Local Accounts Officer for concurrence but it was disagreed stating that the applicant was transferred on reversion on compassionate ground on his own request from Fitter HS to Fitter 'S' and therefore, the pay has to be fixed as per Para 1(C) of Ministry of Defence order dated 31.5.1980 by giving the benefits of completed years of service rendered in the previous post and hence the order dated 29.3.2006 was issued. The applicant's pay was fixed at Rs.3200/- with effect from 1.5.1996 and further progressed till 1.5.2005 in the scale of pay of Rs.3050-4590/-. The applicant's pay was fixed as per Govt. orders on the subject for those who have come on reversion on compassionate grounds and he is not entitled for pay protection under FR 22 (1)(a) (3). They also reiterated that according to order dated 14.2.2006 of DOP&T the releif can be given only prospectively and past cases cannot be reopened.
8.The applicant in this O.A.NO.416/2006 has submitted a rejoinder reiterating the averments made in the O.A. and also indicating specific cases where similarly placed persons were given the relief.
9. We have heard the learned counsels for the applicants and the respondents and perused the relevant records carefully.
10. The learned counsel for the applicants submitted that DOPT in their order No.F.No.16/6/2001-Estt-I dated 4.1.2007 has further clarified that the earlier order dated 14.2.2006 will be applicable to all cases, even those issued prior to 14.2.2006, as the operative part prohibiting such a consideration has been deleted. The order dated 14.2.2006 which stipulates giving pay protection under FR 22(1)(a)(3) states in para 5 that "These orders take effect on the date this OM is issued. Past cases already decided need not be reopened" The order dated 4.1.2007 OM is as under:
"In partial modification of this Department's OM of even number dated 14.2.2006 on the subject above it has been decided that para 5 of the said OM which inter-alia lays down that "these orders take effect from the date this OM is issued. Past cases already decided need not be reopened" shall stand deleted.
(emphasis added)
11. Thus the respondents can no longer hold the OM of 14.2.2006 against the applicants from reopening their cases on the plea that they were transferred prior to the said date. Under the circumstances, the applicants have made out a clear case for granting the relief sought for. The O.As. are therefore allowed with a direction to the respondents to provide pay protection in accordance with the provisions contained in the order dated 14.2.2006 and issue necessary orders to that effect to the applicants herein within a period of six weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of this order. No costs.
(K.ELANGO) .............................. (R.GANESAN)
MEMBER(J) .............................. MEMBER(A)


Unknown said…
I, Manish Kumar as SM (grade pay 4200 wef Feb 2010) in Kurda division east coast railway Transferred to KIR division NF Railway by enter Railway Mutual Transfer(May 2010) in Grade Pay 2800/- Whenever I was in grade pay 4200 in Kurda division.

I want to know that will I get Pay Protection, Please confirm me details on my personal mail id ""
sunil kumar said…
I, sunil kumar as teacher (basic+grade pay= 19400 now)in moradabad district board school.
now i selected as PGT in u.p.board school(started basic+grade pay= 18150). can i get my old pay scale(basic+grade pay= 19400 now).
I want to know that will I get Pay Protection, Please confirm me details on my personal mail id
Vinai kumar said…
Sir, If a Sr. T.A (I.T.I)Gr. pay 4200 is transfored to another region what will be his grade pay.
abhishek.raj said…
I, Ajit kr.sinha joined indian railway as a.s.m in izzat nagar division. In the year 1994, got a requested transfer to Samastipur division..where i got 1320 rupees grade pay , 160 rupees less than the izzat nagar division's grade pay (previous grade pay was 1480 rupees)
Sir, i wanted to know whether i'll get the pay protection or not... Please suggest me as soon as possible on my e.mail id, !! Thank you.
vijay kumar said…
Sir I have been working at the grade pay of 4800 (basic 18700 with one increment) now I am going to join another department with technical resignation at the grade pay of 4600,Sir please elucidate me whether I will get pay protection or not, if yes what will be my basic pay, please solve my problem and intimate me on my email
Unknown said…
I Hemant Gokhe, Tax Assistant,(I.T), have been transfer from other region with GP 4200. I have been reverted to lower post with GP 2800. I have not get any pay protection till today. convey reply on pls.
Unknown said…
1. I was working in Sainik School Balachadi Which comes under ministry of defense. i was getting pay in pay band Rs 10980/ (Excluding GP Rs 2800/-).I worked for 9 years 8 days.

2. I joined ISRO (Govt of India) with first basic pay of Rs 9300/- (Excluding GP Rs 4200/-)from 09 June 2011.

3. I had resigned as Technical Resignation from Sainik School Balachadi and my GPF had transferred.

4. With above 1,2&3, weather my pay to be protected and what will be from 09 June 2011.

5. Pls send with the details on
My name is shubham .i was join at GP 1800. after 2 years i complit my provisanal time and now my gp is 1900. if i mutual transfer with a person of gp 1800,is my GP become 1800 or still 1900.
shill i requre to compmy provisanal time again?
how can i protect my GP 1900

plz ans with detail on
I am a permanent employee of a central PSU, got selected to a central govt , group A, post through UPSC.
i am presently drawing basic of 31000/- in CPSU. At new organisation basic will be 15600/- + gp = 5400/-.
Considering following points, whether I will be eligible for pay protection ?
1. I have completed probation period in the CPSU.
2. I have applied for the post through proper channel.
3. The recruitment to new post in the central govt deptt., is through Recruitment by selection with Recruitment Test followed by Interview .
Unknown said…
Sir I am Santosh Kumar Pandey.Iam presently working in Bhabha Atomic Research Center as an Assistant Security Officer,I am in the pay band of 9300-4200,whereas presently I am drawing basic pay of 10160+4200.(Central Government Job)Sir,I wrote the Exam of SI in Delhi Police and CAPFs(Central Armed Police Forces)2014, and in the Interview I was asked to give choise,I chose SI in Delhi Police that was 'A'.When result came I was selected in ASI(CISF),the pay band of 5200-2800.I had applied through proper channel and gave NOC while I was Interviewed.Sir,Am I liable to get my pay protected,if Yes than which FR rule says that.I would like to know please.
Looking for a favorable reply Sir.
If a TGT of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous body under HRD Ministry ,Govt. of India applies through proper channel for the post of Headmaster in Govt.& Girls Model High School in Bihar under advertisement no. 01/2007 and he is working in pay band is 9300-34800 on the basic pay 19510+4800 (G.P) and joins the post of Headmaster in Govt.& Girls Model High School in Bihar in the pay band 9300-34800+5400(G.P) after tendering TECHNICAL RESIGNATION, what would be the process of Pay Fixation, Initial Basic Pay, Leave encashment, Pensionery Benefit, Transfer GPF account.
Anonymous said…
Please confirm about the pay protection If I join another job in central government department with a gradepay of Rs 4200/-, My present grade pay is Rs 4600/-.
Whether my pay is protected in the new job with the grade pay of Rs 4600/-.

Please reply to my email
Unknown said…
I am presently working as Sales Tax Inspector in govt of Maharashtra(basic-9300,gp-4300). And selected as Auditor in defence account(basic -8900,gp-2800)( through Staff selection).So if I swich my job from sales tax(state) to audit department(central)...whether my pay will be protected?...please reply me on priyesh.mahajan@

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