CCS (CCA) RULES - Headquarters of Government servant under suspension


CCS (CCA) RULES - Headquarters of Government servant under suspension

(2) Headquarters of Government servant under suspension

A question recently arose whether an authority competent to order the suspension of an official has the power to prescribe his headquarters during the period of suspension. The matter has been examined at length in this Ministry and the conclusions reached are stated in the following paragraphs.

2. An officer under suspension is regarded as subject to all other conditions of service applicable generally to Government servants and cannot leave the station without prior permission. As such, the headquarters of a Government servant should normally be assumed to be his last place of duty. However, where an individual under suspension requests for a change of headquarters, there is no objection to a competent authority changing the headquarters if it is satisfied that such a course will not put Government to any extra expenditure like grant of T.A. etc. or other complications.

3. The Ministry of Finance/etc. may bring the above to the notice of all concerned.


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