LTC Rules for Central Government Employees...


Types of leave travel concession:-

1. Home Town:-
The leave travel concession to hometown shall be admissible irrespective of the distance between the headquarters of the Government servant and his hometown, once in a block of two calendar years, such as 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and so on.

("Hometown" means the town, village or any other place declared as such by the Government servant and accepted by the controlling officer)

2. Any Place in India:-
The leave travel concession to any place in India shall be admissible irrespective of the distance of the place of visit from the headquarters of the Government servant, once in a block of four calendar years, such as 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and so on:

(The expression "any place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India whether it is on the mainland, or overseas. If there are any local restrictions on visits to places in border areas, it is the responsibility of the Govt. servant undertaking the visit to fulfil the conditions for visit to the places which are subject to local restrictions.)

Govt. of India’s Decision-Leave Travel Concession
Fresh recruits to Central Government may be are allowed to travel to their home town along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion.

This facility shall be available to the Government officers only for the first two blocks of four years applicable after joining the Government for the first time. The blocks of 4 years shall apply with reference to the initial date of joining the Government even though the employee changes the job within Government subsequently. The existing blocks will remain the same but the entitlements of the new recruit will be different in the first eight years of service. All other provisions concerning frequency of travel under LTC are retained.

Travel entitlements:-
For the purpose of official tour/transfer or LTC, will be the same but no daily allowance shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Further, the facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by the Government or any Corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Government or a local body.

Air Journey by Private Airlines
will however, continue to be admissible as per Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 19024/1/E-IV/2005 dated the 24th March, 2006

(1)LTC to a newly married husband of a female Government servant:-
When a female Govt. servant proceeds to her hometown, availing of Leave Travel Concession and gets married in the hometown, LTC may be allowed also to be husband of the female Govt. servant, for the journey performed by him from the hometown to the headquarters of the female Govt. servant.[OM No. 48/2/65-Ests.(A), dated 2.4.1965]

(2)Change of Hometown:-
The hometown once declared and accepted by the controlling officer shall be treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the Department or if the Government servant himself is the Head of the Department, the Administrative Ministry, may authorise a change in such declaration provided that such a change shall not be made more than once during the service of a Government servant.

(3)Carry over of leave travel concession:-
A Government servant who is unable to avail of the leave travel concession within a particular block of two years or four years may avail of the same within the first year of the next block of two years or four years. If a Government servant is entitled to leave travel concession to home town, he can carry forward the leave travel concession to any place in India for a block of four years only if he has carried forward the leave travel concession to home town in respect of the second block of two years within the block of four years.

(4)Advance may be granted up to 90% of the estimated Fare:-
The President has been pleased to decide that employees of the Lakshadweep and A&N Administrations may be sanctioned an advance of 90% of the estimated ship fare fromIsland to Mainland and back for availing Annual Free Sea Passage. It has also been decided to increase the amount of advance for availing LTC from 80% to 90% of estimated fare in respect of the Central Govt. employees.

(5) Encashment of earned leave along with LTC Leave Travel Concession:-
(a) Government officers are allowed to encash ten days earned leave at the time of availing of LTC to the extent of sixty days during the entire career.

(b) The leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement.

(c) It is further clarified that where both husband and wife are Government servants, the present entitlement for availing LTC shall remain unchanged, and encashment of leave equal to 10 days at the time of availing of LTC will continue to be available to both, subject to a maximum of sixty days each during the career.

(d) At least equal number of days of earned leave should be availed along with encashment

(e) The balance at credit should more than 30 days after deducting the total of leave availed plus leave for which encahment was availed.

Leave Travelling Concession (L T C) - Rules at a glance

The highlights for LTC Leave Travel Concession are:
1.Leave Travelling Concession is admissible to all Government Servants between Headquarters and their Hometowns.

2.Who have completed one year of service on the date of journey, they only eligible to take Leave TravellingConcession.(From 1.9.2008 onwards fresh rcruits along with their families are allowed to visit their home towns on three occasiions and to "Any place in India" on fourth occasion during a block of four years in the initial period of 8 years after joining the government for the first time.)

3.In the case of journey to home town, admisible once in a block of two years. The blocks are 1956 - 57, 1958 - 59 and so on: presently the blocks are 2006 - 07 and 2008 - 09.

4.In the case of journey to "Any place in Indai", admissible once in a block of four years. This will be in lieu of one journey to home town. The current block ia 2006 - 09.

5. Not admissible during holidays alone.(Admissible during regular/casual/special casual leave, study leave, maternity leave and duringpaternity leave.)

6.Also admissible during leave preparatory to retirements, provided the return journey is completed before the expiry of the leave.

7. Leave Travelling Concession is admissible to all journeys by Train/Road/Steamer.

8. In the case of an employee under suspension, admissible only to the family of the government servant.

9. Concession is admissible for self and family.

10. Leave Travelling Concession not availed during a block year, that may be availed within the grace time (i.e., before end of the next year.)

11. Family members may travel independently in any number of batches. The return of each group must be completed within six months from the commencement of that group's outward journey. This condition may be relaxed by the Head of the Department in special cases.

12. The government servant and or members of the familymay travel under the concession to travel to "any where in India"either to the same place or different places of their choice.

13. The government servant can visit his home town also under the concession to travel to "any where in India".

14. Some members of the family can avail home town concession and others can avail "any where in India" concession in the same block year.

15. Reimbursement allowed by the entitled class or actually travelled class, whichever is less.

16. Before commencement of Leave Travelling Concession would be intimated within 45 days, only eligible to get 90% anticipated reimbursement may be granted as advance.

F.No. 31011/4/2008- Estt.(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grieances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 23rd September, 2008

Subject- Sixth Central Pay Commission - Recommendations relating to LTC - Acceptance of

Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, it has been decided to make necessary additions/changes in the CCS(LTC)Rules, 1988 as indicated below-

Rule 4(d) Definition of Family:

The parents and /or step parents (stepmother and stepfather) who are wholly dependent on the Government employees shall be included in the definition of family for the purpose of LTC, irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government employee or not.

The definition of dependency will be linked to the minimum family pension prescribed in Central Government and dearness relief thereon. The extant conditions in respect of other relations included in the family including married / divorced / abandoned / Seprated / Widowed daughters shall continue without any change

Rule 8 Types of LTC

Fresh recruits to Central Government may be are allowed to travel to their home town along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion. This facility shall be available to the Government officers only for the first blocks of four years applicable after joining the Government for the first time. The blocks of 4 years shall apply with reference to the initial date of joining the Government even though the employee changes the job within Government subsequently. The existing blocks will remain the same but the entitlements of the new recruit will be different in the first eight years of service. All other provisions concerning frequency of travel under LTC are retained.

Rule 12 Entitlement

Travel entitlements, for the purpose of official tour/transfer or LTC, will be the same but no daily allowance shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Further, the facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by the Government or any Corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Government or a local body. Air Journey by Private Airlines will however, continue to be admissible as per Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 19024/I/E-IV/2005 dated the 24th March. 2006 and in terms of the ordersof DOPT in this regard.

Encashment of Earned Leave aIongwith LTC

Government officers are allowed to encash ten days earned leave at the time of availng of LTC to the extent of sixty days during the entire career. The leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement. It is further clarified that where both husband and wife are Government servants, the present entitlement for availing LTC shall remain unchanged, and encashment of leave equal to 10 days at the time of availing of LTC will continue to be available to both, subject to a maximum of sixty days each during the career.

2. These changes are effective from 1st September, 2008.

3. The LTC claim pertaining to the period prior to 31st August, 2008 shall be regulated
as per rules applicable on the date of journey and LTC cIaim already settled will not be re

4. In so far as persons working in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are being issued in consultation with C & A.G. of India.

5. Hindi version will follow.

(P. Prabhakaran)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India


Will Air Travel Continue for the Next 2 Years?

For a number of years, Central Government employees have been enjoying the benefits of Leave Travel Concession (LTC). When a Central Government employee is employed at a place that is not his home town, then, once every two years or twice every four years, he/she is eligible to reimburse the travel expenses incurred for travelling to and back, along with the entire family. 

A BLOCK YEAR consists of four years. The current block year runs from 2010 to 2013. This is divided into two – 2010-11 and 2012-13, and concession to travel to the home town is offered twice.  Instead of two trips to home town, the employee is eligible to convert one of them as ALL INDIA LTC concession. Those who haven’t availed of the concession of the 2012-13 year block can utilize it in 2014. 

Depending on their designation, the employees are eligible to utilize air, ship, rail and road transportation facilities, along with the travel class. 

In the year 2010, in order to develop Jammu & Kashmir and North-East Region, it was announced that Central Government employees are eligible to travel to these regions via air from Delhi and Kolkata respectively. It was also announced that the travel expenses could be claimed in advance. Following this announcement, Central Government employees have started travelling via air, along with their families. From the HEADQUARTERS, where they are employed, they have to travel to New Delhi or Kolkata by train and go to Shri Nagar or Gauhati by airplane. 

This concession is given in two categories, on the basis of grade pay. Those with GP higher than Rs. 4200 and above are eligible to travel from the airport nearest to their work headquarters. Those with GP lesser than Rs. 4200 will have to travel to Delhi or Kolkata by train and continue only the rest of the journey by airplane. 

These concessions were initially announced for only two years and then extended to 2013. Each BLOCK YEAR can be carried forward to one year, i.e., those who haven’t utilized the facility in 2012-13 BLOCK YEAR can avail of it until December 2014. 

This wonderful opportunity will draw to a close very soon. The Government has issued permission to travel by air to the NORTH-EAST REGION until 30.04.2014 and to JAMMU & KASHMIR until 17.06.2014. 

Question is – Will this concession be extended for the next two years?

Read also...

Leave Travel Concession -CCS Rules

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Anonymous said…
regarding.. encashment of EL on superannuation ..after 6th PC.. we can get full 300 days encashment ..irrespective of 60 days encashment for LTC.. am i right..??
but ur blog gave different view on the above..
Anonymous said…
I availed LTC in the month of June/July 2008 for myself only. The other family members availed LTC in the month of Nov/Dec,2008. At the time of availing LTC I took earned leave of 10 days. Since my claim of LTC is not complete till Nov/Dec2008 when the family members availed LTC.Should I get reimbursement of earned leave of 10 days?
Anonymous said…
I have not claimed any LTC for block yrs 2006-2009 (not home nor any where in india). I m a new recruit also. can i claim 2 home town LTC in remaining period of 2009? eg one in Sept 2009 and another in Dec 2009? and carry forward the remaining one home town and one anywhere to next block year?
Any Comments please
I have availed all india ltc in july 2008 . Now I want to avail Home Town Ltc in june 2009. But department is refusing saying you can not take two ltc in a Block. However I have not taken earlier any ltc before june 2008.Pls advise
Anonymous said…
I have avaivled LTC (any where india/home town) only once during June 2009 in the block year 2006-2009. Please suggest whether I am entitled for any other travel under LTC during the remaining period of the block year.
Unknown said…
I have avaivled LTC (any where india) only once during Dec 2009 in the block year 2006-2009. Please suggest whether I am entitled for northeast LTC package in leave of hometown block 2008-2009 in the mounth april 2010.My hometown is 125km far form my headquater. I have not availed any hometown in block 2006-2007 and 2008-2009.
Anonymous said…
I have performed the journey tourist places i.e bihar sharif, patna and Nalanda during current block year 2006-09 under LTC place of choice rules. What is admissible for as per LTC rules. Please tell me in details. I have taken in advance for the same.
Kamini said…
I am in central government service since last 22 years. My husband is in service with Bank of Baroda for25 years.Now if I am claiming LTC for my family including my husband, who has to give certificate and what it should include?
Anonymous said…
I have availed Annual free Sea passage for the Block year 2007-08 during 2007 and Any where in India during Nov 2008. I have not availed any block during the year 2009.

please tell me which block year i can avail this year.
Unknown said…
I have availed LTC (any where india) only once during May 2009 in the block year 2006-2009. Please suggest whether I am entitled for northeast LTC package in leave of hometown block 2008-2009 in the mounth april 2010.My hometown is 500 km far form my headquater. I have not availed any hometown in block 2006-2007 and 2008-2009.
shiv said…
S.kumar I had availed LTC(any where India)during may 2009 in the block year 2006-09. as per my entitlement i had taken my journey by Rajdhani& shatabdhi train But my department refused to reimbursement the fare of these trains. They are giving me the plea that you must travel by direct train. Please clarify that if Facility to travel by said trains is given to me than why my department is reimbursement for the same.
Anonymous said…
i have availed LTC(anywhere in india) during may2010 in the block yr 2010-2013 with myself, wife & 3 kids aged 12,10 & 7 respectively.my dept is refusing the reimbursement to my 3 children fares.is it possible for me to claim the reimbursement.pls clarify
sjb900 said…
i am getting grade pay 2800. I am entitled for air travel for ltc to jammu kashmir
Sachin said…
I joined government service on 19/01/2009 and i don't have any home town, can i claim LTC for block year 2006-2009 under LTC rules for fresh recurits.
Anonymous said…
My wife works in State Bank of India(SBI), a Public Sector Undertaking. I work in Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR). LTC rules of Govt. of India are applicable in ICAR. For myself, I avail LTC facility of my wife, because SBI LTC facility is better than of Govt. of India. In June this year (2010), we availed SBI's LTC facility. My wife, myself, and two sons touched Port Blair; and went up to London and came back. My wife was allowed LTC for Port Blair for all four of us; plus her entitlement of leave encashment.For the purpose, I got earned leave sanctioned for myself from ICAR; and also took permission to go to the UK. As per Clarification on LTC dated 24th Nov' 2009, I am also eligible for 10 days' leave encashment since I opted for LTC facility of my spouse. But I was not aware of this rule when we availed LTC of my wife. Since I was not aware of this clarification, I also did not feel it appropriate to inform ICAR at that time that we will avail LTC of my wife during this trip. Now I am made aware of this rule. Can I be now allowed an ex post facto sanction of 10 days' leave encashment. SM
Anonymous said…
I am working in AG Office. My parents are availing of LTC for the block 2006-09 but I am not availing the same due to some reasons. My office has denied the encashment of 10 days el on the ground that you are not availing the LTC., thereby depriving me the encashment of EL.
Why govt is restricting encashment of EL to only the Govt.servt. If Govt has relaxed so many rules, then an encashment should be allowed once for ltc if anyone of the member of family availing of LTC for respective blockyears.
Govt.decision is not proper. It should be generous. Afterall LTC is only the railfare whatelse, very small.
please clarify
Sakthivel Arumugam said…
I joined in ESIC, an autonomous body on 16/03/2009. I performed my LTC on JUNE 2010 and availed 90% of amount along with sanction order. But after submitted my LTC bills they refund all the amounts which already sanctioned due to "Govt. of India’s Decision-Leave Travel Concession
Fresh recruits to Central Government may be are allowed to travel to their home town along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion." They told me only on the end of the block I can avail LTC, though I dont have any HOME TOWN. Could you please clarify the line "TO ANY PLACE IN INDIA ON THE FOURTH OCCASSION".
Vishwakarma said…
I have gone through the Rule 8 Type of LTC for new fresh recruits of OFFICE MEMORANDUM of F. No. 31011/4/2008 Estt. (A) dated 23rd September 2008 (Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension) and Page No. 357 of Swamy’s Handbook 2009, in which it is stated that “Fresh recruits to Central Government are allowed to travel to their hometown along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion. This facility is available to the employees only for the first two blocks of four years applicable after joining the Government for the first time. The blocks of 4 years will apply with reference to the initial date of joining the Government even though the employee changes the job within Government subsequently. The existing blocks will remain same but the entitlements of the new recruit will be different in the first eight years of service. All the other provisions concerning frequency of travel under LTC are retained.” And in swamy's handbook 2009 on Page No. 355, it is written under the heading 1. Eligibility, “Any employee with one year of continuous service on the date of journey performed by him/his family is eligible.”

Reason of Doubt: If fresh recruits are not eligible to claim LTC in the first year before completion of one year in service, then he/she can avail only seven occasions (losing one occasion benefits of LTC) in 8 years since the rule of the frequency (once in a year) of travel is retained. This seems a contradiction to the new Rule 8 Type of LTC in which states that “fresh recruits are allowed to travel to their hometown along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion. This facility is available to the employees only for the first two blocks of four years applicable after joining the Government for the first time.”

Now, first my query is that whether I am eligible to claim LTC facility for hometown visit before completion of one year of Service as per new O.M. dated 23rd Sept. 2008?
Secondly, whether this new Rule 8 Type of LTC stated above for fresh recruits will supersede the existing eligibility criteria?
Thirdly, What Blocks may be considered in my case as 4 years block( Joined in June 2006)

Please Cooment.
Anonymous said…
kindly explain admissibility of family members for ltc purposes.whether there is any age limit restrictions for daughter/son of an govt.employee; further, what does it means 'employment'.kindly let me know if contingent worker/employee or ad-hoc-basis emplyee of family are entitled for LTC or Not.
Anonymous said…
I am employee of DAE. My query is that can my parents in law available LTC facility as they are our dependent.
rajkumar bansal said…
I am a employees of All India RAdio, gWalior. My Headquarter and place of home town are same which is Gwalior(MP) . Now my question is that as per LTC rule Any where India LTC is given in lieu of one block of Home Town. Then under which rule i am entitled for any where india LTC.
Rajkumar Banal
Unknown said…
Family is at Home town (Not residing with the employee). Family member performed journey from home town to work place and back to home town (i.e. the outward journey is from hometown to work place instead of work place to home town). Can one claim the reimbursement for both outward & return journey under Home Town LTC?
Anonymous said…
if spouse are working in same department wether both can encashment of earned leave for ltc
Krish said…
Dear All,

I have joined in July 2006. But i have availed HOME TOWN LTC as follows:
1. Sep 2010
2. July 2011

Also, am going to be married in Coming November 2011. His hometown is same as mine. He is private concern employee........

How many times shall i take home town LTC (With my husband) as per fresh recruit rule????
Anonymous said…
Me & my husband are govt. and govt. undertaking employee. Can we claim LTC for both of us in different block years from our respective offices . We have different block years in our offices.
Ritesh said…
My problem is same as that posted by Mr. Ramaranjani on 01/05/2011. Pls. share any clarification, if any.
Anonymous said…
Kindly let me know is there any provision to come and go from office after availing a 10 minutes concession.the office stars by 10 clock.is it an indiscipline if i come by 10.10am.Sreeram Sinha
Anonymous said…
I am a central govt. employee posted at Port Blair, since June 2011.i live here alone and my family stays away from me, at my home town-kolkata.i have availed Annual free sea passage in October'2011 to visit my home town. Now i want to visit J&K with my family in May'2012, by availing All India LTC for 2012-13 Block. Is i am eligible for LTC.it may mentoned here that I have availed only once "Annual free sea passage" for Block 2010-11, during Oct.2011. Plz give me advice..
Anonymous said…
I am a Central Govt. employee and posted in New Delhi. I have joined the govt. service in august 2008 for the first time.
Please advise me about LTC home town rule as per the new orders of DOPT for fresh recruits.

1. I have taken LTC all over india in October 2009. Then i have taken one LTC home Town in August 2011(before the date of joining).
Am i able to take the other 2 LTC home Town?
2.What should i mention the block year?
3.Does the First year has been lapsed due to the rule that LTC cannot be claimed in first year of joining the service.
4. What is the time gap between such 2 LTCs.
LTC does not allow journey by bus operated by private bus operator, if I perform such journey, then such claim of bus fare is disallowed, but does it forfeit the LTC claim in totality? Please comment,as my LTC claim has been forfeited on this ground.
Jaspreet Singh said…
I joined Govt service in Aug 2010. Pls clear One doubt: For New recruit will first block of 2 years be counted as Aug 2010 to Aug 2012 or simply calendar years 2010 & 2011. So far I have availed only one hometown LTC in 2012. Does this mean, my 2 hometown LTCs have lapsed?
Kalyan Ghosh said…
I solicit clarification about forfeiture of total LTC claim with reference to my query, Kalyan Ghosh, posted on November 5,2012. My LTC Bill is forfeited on account of partial journey by bus operated by private bus operator. Forfeiture of partial journey or total LTC journey is not clear. My complaint in PG Portal, No. DOPPW/E/2012/01871, 20 November,2012,also do not clarify this.
Anonymous said…
Visiting my home town Bahadurgarh from office in New Delhi, Am I eligible for LTC against home town.
Unknown said…
i am a female married. I am a Central Govt., I want to change of home town. pl.tell me what required documents I will have to submit to my Organisation.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Home Town once declared is treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the Department may authorize a change, only one time entire service. Pl. read the article for further assistance...

CCS(LTC)Rules - Rule 5 - Change of Hometown
[pl. copy paste the above url in the address bar to view the webpage]
Unknown said…
I newly joined my duties on 1.4.2013 as permanent employee…I has been confirmed on 1.4.2014… so, can I avail the LTC for for the block period 2010-2013 (Grace Period till 31.12.2014)…. or I will have to take LTC for the block 2014-2017….. our department is followed the rules of central govt…

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