Paternity Leave :In 6th CPC has any recommendation on this issue..?

Paternity Leave :In 6th CPC has any recommendation on this issue..?

What about the Paternity Leave..?

In 6th CPC has any recommendation on this issue..?

Rule 551 (A) - Paternity Leave.
A male CG servant (including an apprentice) with less than two surviving children may be granted Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days during the confinement of his wife i.e. upto 15 days before or upto six months from the date of delivery of child and if such leave is not availed of within this period it shall be treated as lapsed.

It shall not be debited against the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of leave (as in the case of Maternity Leave). It shall not be refused under any circumstances. Paternity Leave too, like Maternity Leave can be sanctioned only in a single spell. During the period of such leave he shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

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Anonymous said…
My wife gave birth to a baby boy on 30th June 2009 and I went on Paternity leave from 1st July 2009 as it was very necessarry for me to be there besides my wife. That day is also the increment day for all government employees. Since I was on paternity leave from 1st july to 15 july and joined on 16 july 2009, I would like to know whether my annual increment will be paid from 1st july or on my joining date i.e. 16th July 2009. Please clarify. Debu
gaurav said…
my wife has delivered a alive baby on 16 th dec. can i avail paternity leave or not.
Is this benefit (of paternity leave) for ad-hoc employees or is it only for permanent or regular employees?
rajib said…
I am working in Airports Authoriy Of India,kolkata Airport,my wife has delivered a baby on 25th,nov,2011,can I apply for paternity leave in this department?if so, wihin which date should I apply?
Anonymous said…
Is it applicable to the Armed Forces.. ?
i have taken PL two times for my two child. but unfortunately our first baby died after 6 month. now my wife is going to give birth of the third child. can i avail or appeal for the Paternity leave
Amit said…
my supdt doesnt allow me to take paternity leave...what can i do now??
Unknown said…
Can we avail paternity leave for discontiued period; means can we get 7 days PL for first time and I have joined duty. After doing duty for some days can we avail remaining 8 days PL.

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