Transport Allowance - Clarification

Transport Allowance

Accepted with the modification that “Campus” restriction for grant of Transport Allowance will be removed. Consequently, employees living in campuses will also be eligible for Transport Allowance. Also, Transport Allowance for the employees at the lowest levels will be increased to Rs.600 (from Rs.400) in A-1/A class cities and Rs.400 (from Rs.300) in other towns;

Further, employees in PB-1 with Rs.7440

corresponding to Rs.4000 basic in pre-revised pay scales)and above as pay in the pay band will be eligible for grant of Transport Allowance at the rate of Rs.1600/Rs.

Reg. Dearness Allowance

Date D.A. Total
1-Jul-2006 2% 2%
1-Jan-2007 4% 6%
1-Jul-2007 3% 9%
1-Jan-2008 3% 12%
1-Jul-2008 4% 16%


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