NFIR’s Meeting with Chairman Railway Board on 11.4.2019
NFIR’s Meeting with Chairman Railway Board on
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) Meeting with
Chairman, Railway Board on 11th April, 2019
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
Dated: 12/04/2019
No. II/95/2019
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: NFIR’s Meeting with Chairman, Railway Board on 11th April, 2019-reg.
The affiliates are advised that the NFIR leaders (President, General Secretary and Joint General Secretary Shri B.C. Sharma) met Railway Board Chairman Shri V.K. Yadav on 11nd April, 2019 and discussed the subjects listed below:-
(a) LARSGESS: Need for granting appointment to the wards of safety category staff selected/medically found fit prior to 27th October, 2017.
CRB’s response: This matter is being pursued on daily basis for finding solution being legal matter wherein Legal Opinion/AG’s Opinion to be obtained for solving the problem.
NFIR however requested to see that Railway Board accords approval for appointment of wards presently waiting with anxiety.
(b) Quasi Administrative Unit Staff: CRB’s attention was invited to NFIR’s note vide No.II/1B/2018 dated 12/03/2019 and requested to see that Railway Board considers absorption of Quasi Administrative Unit Staff in view of the fact that these staff are being appointed by the management headed by Officer of the rank of not lower than JA Grade.
CRB’s response: CRB said that he will look into the matter again.
(c) Metro Railway, Kolkata – granting Zonal Railway status to RPF Department:
NFIR explained that all Departments of Metro Railway, Kolkata are functioning independently under the overall control of General Manager, Metro Railway while the RPF Department of Metro Railway is continued to be part of Eastern Railway and in this context NFIR conveyed that the General Manager, Metro Railway, Kolkata also wrote to Railway Board to accord independent Zonal Railway status to RPF wing of Metro Railway, Kolkata.
CRB has assured to take necessary action for treating RPF Department as independent Zonal Railway Organization under the command of PCSC, Metro Railway, Kolkata and under the overall control of General Manager, Metro Railway.
(d) Deployment of RPF Ministerial Staff to other Departments on option basis as per their request – implementation of the decision arrived at in the Joint Meeting:
NFIR reminded the CRB of its letter dated 11/02/2019 and back round of the case with ‘ request to give approval.
CRB said that the papers are with him and matter is under consideration.
Above is for information of affiliates for conveying to the field staff.
Yours fraternally,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary