Cashless treatment scheme in emergency (CTSE) in empanelled Hospitals for retired employees

Cashless treatment scheme in emergency 
(CTSE) in empanelled 
Hospitals for retired employees

Cashless treatment scheme in emergency (CTSE) in empanelled 
Hospitals for retired employees and their dependent family members

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
(3rd Floor/Health Directorate)
Pragati Maidan Metro Station Building Complex

No.2014/H/28/1/Smart Card/Part A
New Delhi, Dated: 02.11.2018

General Manager,
All Indian Railways,

All Production Units, NAIR & RDSO

Sub:- Cashless treatment scheme in emergency (CTSE) in empanelled Hospitals for retired employees and their dependent family members.

It has been decided to extend Cashless treatment sc hema in empanelled hospitals for retired employees and their dependent family members in emergency situations’ (CTSE) to the cities classified as ‘X’ and ‘Y’ vide Ministry of Finance O.M dated 07.07.2017 (copy enclosed),cities where headquarters of Zonal Railways/Producion Units and DRM’s offices are located and Rest of the country as per the following schedule:

I. X cities and Zonal headquarters by 31.12.2018.
II.Y cities and Divisional headquarters by 31.03.2019
III. Rest of the Country by 31.12.2019

It has also been decided that Contribution fixed for CTSE scheme is to continue.

It is further advised that CTSE scheme may be given wide publicity among Retired Railway employees to make it more popular.

Detailed/Consolidated instructions on the scheme will follow.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Board.
Principal Executive Director (Health)
Railway Board.


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