6th Meeting of committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances - NFIR

6th Meeting of committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances-reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055

No.IV/NIrIll/7 CPC (IMPl)/Allowances/2016
Dated: 29/11/2016
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR


Sub: 6th Meeting of committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances-reg.

Ref:RailwayBoard’sletter No.PC-VII/2016/CDS/3 dated 28/ll/12016

General Secretary, NFIR has participated in the 6th Meeting of the Committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowance at 17:30 Hrs on 28/11/2016 at Room No.169-D(Fresco), 1st Floor, North Block, New Delhi chaired by Finance Secretary, Government of India, participated by Member Staff/Railway Board, Secretary/Ministry of Defence, Secretary Postal, Additional Secretary (Expenditure), Joint Secretaries etc.

The points raised by the General Secrelary, NFIR in the meeting and sent to the Joint Secretary (implementation Cell, 7th CPC) though a communication vide dated 29th November, 2016 (as confirmation of points) may be perused in the enclosure to this letter for conveving the contents to the staff down the line.

Yours fraternally,
General Secretary

Source: NFIR


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