On-line collection of data on representation of SCs, STs and OBCs and Persons with Disabilities in Central Government Services.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 5th June, 2013


Subject : On-line collection of data on representation of SCs, STs and OBCs and Persons with Disabilities in Central Government Services.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's D.O. letter No.43011/297/2010-Estt.(Res.) dated the 3 rd October, 2012 and subsequent reminders dated 15.10.2012, 5.11.2012 , 27.2.2013 and 3.5.2013 whereby it was requested for on-line submission of data in regard to the representation of SCs, STs, OBCs and Persons with Disabilities in Central Government services as on 1.1.2012 and as on 1.1.2013 through the URL "rrcps.nic.in". Moreover, workshops were also held from 22.1.2013 to 24.1.2013 and on 28.1.2013 to facilitate and to smoothen the process of on-line submission of data by the Ministries/Departments.

2. The requisite information is still awaited from your Ministry/Department. The Username and Password for login to website http://rrcps.nic.in have already been communicated. However, if not received may drop a mail at persinfotech@nic.in with Name, Designation, Phone details of Nodal Officer to get the same.

3. The data is significant for this Department for answering various Parliament Questions, Parliamentary Committees, RTIs etc. and in monitoring the implementation of reservation policy for SCs/STs/OBCs and PwDs. Parliamentary Committees have emphasised the need for maintaining of updated data.

4. It is requested that requisite data may be got uploaded in the URL latestby 20th June, 2013.
(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax: 23093307

The Joint Secretary (Admn.)
All the Ministries/Departments (As per list attached) Annexure

List of Min/Dent/Apex Body not yet updated their profile

Sr. No. Ministries / Departments Name
1. Cabinet Secretariat
2. D/o Agriculture Research and Education
3. D/o Animal Husbandary, Dairying and Fisheries
4. D/o AR and PG
5. D/o Atomic Energy
6. D/o Ayush
7. D/o Bio-Technology
8. D/o Chemicals and Petro-Chemicals
9. D/o Coal
10. D/o Consumer Affairs
11. D/o Corporate Affairs
12. D/o Defence Production
13. D/o Defence Research and Development
14. D/o Disinvestment
15. D/o Ex-Servicemen Welfare
16. D/o Fertilizers
17. D/o Food and Public Distribution
18. D/o Health and Family Welfare
19. D/o Health Research
20. D/o Higher EdUcation
21. D/o Industrial Policy and Promotion
22. D/o Justice
23. D/o Land Resources
24. D/o Legal Affairs
25. D/o Mines
26. D/o Pensions
27. D/o Personnel and Training
28. D/o Pharmaceutical
29. D/o Posts
30. D/o Public Enterprises
31. D/o Road Transport and Highways
32. D/o Rural Development
33. D/o School Education and Literacy
34. D/o Science and Technology
35. D/o Scientific and Industrial Research
36. D/o Shipping
37. D/o Space
38. D/o Telecommunication
39. D/o Tourism
40. D/o Women and Child Development
41. M/o Civil Aviations 42. M/o Culture
43. M/o Development of North Eastern Region
44. M/o Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation
45. M/o Earth Science
46. M/o Environment and Forests
47. M/o External Affairs
48. M/o Food Processing Industries
49. M/o Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
50. M/o Information and Broadcasting
51. M/o Labour and Employment
52.M/o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
53. M/o Minority Affairs
54.M/o New and Renewable Energy
55. M/o Overseas Indian Affairs
56. M/o Panchayati Raj
57. M/o Petroleum and Natural Gas
58. M/o Railways
59. M/o Social Justice and Empowerment
60. M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation
61. M/o Steel
62. M/o Textiles
63. M/o Tribal Affairs
64. M/o Urban Development
65. M/o Water Resources
66. M/o Youth Affairs and Sports
67. Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser
68. Prime Minister Office
69. UPSC
70. Vice President Secretariat

Source: www.persmin.nic.in


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