Chennai (Ph-II) Housing Scheme: Detailed discussions points with the beneficiaries

Chennai (Ph-II) Housing Scheme: Detailed discussions points with the beneficiaries

Chennai (Ph-II) Housing Scheme: Minutes of Meeting

Minutes  of  meeting  held  on  04  Jan  2013  with  the  beneficiaries  of  Chennai  (Ph  II)  chaired  by  Shri M.Narayanan,  Director  (Tech).  Also  present  was  Sh  Gagan  Gupta,  AD(T),  CGEWHO.  The  following  points were  discussed  :

i) Following  two  registers  will  be  maintained  at  the  CGEWHO  site  office  inside  the  campus with  immediate  effect.
(a)  Maintenance  Register  -This  register  will  be only  for  the  complaints  of  beneficiaries  who are  residing  in  the  campus,  who  had  taken  possession  of  their  DUs.  Sh  Vijay  Kumar Babu  (PE, CGEWHO)  will  be  responsible  to  attend  the  complaints  and  will  be  provided with  the  maintenance  team  comprising  of  01  carpenter,  2  plumbers,  2  mason  and  1 electrician.  The  register  will  be  monitored  by  him  on  day  to  day  basis  and  a  weekly report  shall  be forwarded  to  H.O. towards  attending  the  complaints.
(b)  Complaints  Register  -This  register  will  be  only  for  the  complaints  of  the  DUs yet  to  be taken  over  by  beneficiaries.  Sh Vignesh  (PE, CGEWHO)  will  be  responsible  to  look  after the  complaints  and  will  be  provided  with  the  adequate  skilled  and  unskilled  manpower to  get  the  complaints  rectified  at  the  earliest.  There  will  be  three  gangs  of  labour/mason  each  comprising  2 each  of  mason,  carpenter,  plumber  and  painter. 

(ii) As  far  as  seepages  in  bathrooms  and  from  external  wall  is  concern,  the  following  was decided:
(a)  2  Swings  will  be  provided  each  comprising  of  3  labours  and  all  the  external  wall  from where  the  seepage  is ingressing  will  be grouted  by water  proofing  compound  of  Dr  Fixit.
(b)  Separate  plumbers  around  10  in  nos.  will  be  deployed  to  get  the  seepage  arrested  from the  leaking  bathrooms.  Efforts  would  also  be made  to  get  the  water  proofing  done  with the  epoxy  rasins  where  ever  required  to  arrest  the  seepage.
During  the  meeting  certain  residents  has  informed  that  the  security  and  house  keeping services  provided  needs  to  be  reinforced.  Accordingly,  D(T)  has agreed  that  a fresh  process of  appointment   of  security  and  house  keeping  agencies  shall  be  initiated  through  tender which  shall  also  be  published  on  CPPP.  During  the  meeting,  it  was  also  observed  that  to have  a  proper  garbage  system,  there  is a requirement  of  two  large  dustbins  which  may  be kept  outside  the  complex  so  that  the  municipal  service  providers  shall  be  able  to  clean  the dustbins  at  their  convenience.  Accordingly,  D(T) agreed  to  purchase  two  large  dustbins  and ex-post  facto  approval  may  be  taken  from  CEO.  All  the  above  expenses  shall  be  charged  to AOA  fund.

(iv) The  temporary  fence  adjacent  to  8-15-16  block  would  be  set  right  and  a  small  wicket  gate would  be  provided.

(v) The  labours  under  the  stilts  of  8-15-16  would  be removed  with  immediate  effect.

(vi) A  hand  cycle  bin  for  transportation  of  garbage  shall  also  be  purchased.  All  the  expenses shall  be debited  to  Apartment  Owners  Association  fund.

(vii) Welding  works  which  were  creating  nuisance  in  the  campus  were  asked  to  be  discontinued. Since  the  above  work  is  being  undertaken  by  beneficiaries,  CGEWHO  is  having  limited control  only  on  the  said  matter.~

(viii)  As per  the  requirement  of  residents  all  the  three  generators  shall  be  put  in  auto  mode  with immediate  effect.  The  cost  of  diesel  consumed  shall  be  debited  to  AOA.  As per  the  request of  residents,  it  has  been  decided  that  cleaning  of  the  overhead  tanks  periodically  shall become  part  and  parcel  of  the  tender  proposed  to  be issued  towards  house  keeping.

(ix)  It  was  decided  that  in  every  3 months  there  will  be  cleaning  of  overhead  tank  and  this  will be done  by the  house  keeping  and  shall  be  part  of  the  scope  in the  new  tender.

(x)  It  was  decided  to  employ  one  pump  operator  on  day  time  and  one  electrician  at  night  for emergency  work  immediately  and  ex-post  facto  approval  would  be  taken  at  H.O.  All  the expenses  shall  be debited  to  Apartment  Owners  Association  fund.

(xi)  It  was  decided  that  gardener  be  provided  with  the  equipments  and  manure  as asked  by the residents  immediately  and  ex-post  facto  approval  would  be  taken  at  H.O.  The  expenses shall  be  charged  to  apartment  owner's  association.

(xii)  Sh Vijay  Kumar  Babu  (PE) shall  be  responsible  to  have  a  proper  coordination  on  the  above till  AOA  is constituted.

(xiii)  It was  decided  that  Porta  Cabin  will  be  installed  at  the  space  to  be  identified  by the  residents for  the  installation  of  the  BSNL equipments.  Necessary  action  for  the  procurement  will  be taken  at  the  H.O.  once  BSNL make  a request.  The  residents  shall  follow  up  the  matter  with BSNL and  forward  the  details.

(xiv)  D(T)  clarified  there  has  been  no  demand  of  tax  raised  by  the  authority  for  the  vacant  land.
As  and  when  the  demand  note  comes  the  matter  would  be  taken  up  with  the  concerned authority.

(xv)  Residents  asked  for  an  another  walk  away/  access  for'  A'  type  block  D(T)  clarified  that  the matter  will  be  looked  into  and  steps  would  be taken  to  expedite  the  same.

(xvi)  Residents  asked  for  one  final  cleaning  of  whole  campus  once  again  which  was  agreed  to  and residents  were  asked  clean  up  all  the  debris  which  are  lying  in  the  campus  due  to  their renovation  works.


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