Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travelling Concession (LTC) for the staff of BSNL
(A Government of India Enterprise)
No: 1-10/2010- PAT(BSNL)
Subject: Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travelling Concession (LTC) for the staff of BSNL (absorbed, directly recruited & un-absorbed employees) without deducting the same from the overall accumulation limit of 300 days — clarifications regarding.
Following the issue of this office order (No. 19 of 2010) of even no. dated 27 10.2010, this office has received references from various circles seeking clarifications regarding encashment of EL while availing LTC The matter has been considered in this office and points of doubts raised by the circles and the clarifications thereto are issued as under:-
Query | Clarifications |
1.Whether encashment is allowed for cases where the employee alongwith some other members of his/her family has already availed LTC before 28.9.2010 but remaining members avail LTC on or after 28.9.2010?
2. Whether the Earned Leave Encashment of 10 days is admissible. if the employee does not proceed on LTC and only the eligible family members are availing the LTC |
The encashment of Earned Leave while availing LTC is admissible to the employees of BSNL where the outward journey is performed by him/her:- a) On or after 28-09-2010 PAT, BSNL order (No.19 of 2010) No. 1-10/2010-PAT(BSNL)/Encashment of EL dated 27.10.10 is applicable b) b) Prior to 28-09-2010 PAT, BSNL order no. 13- 2/20 1 0-PAT(BSNL) dated 18-03-2010 is applicable. [the concerned employee should avail LTC for himself/herself for getting encashment of earned leave at the time of availing LTC] |
3. Whether amount of encashment of EL can be paid before commencement of LTC journey considering the fact that if the LTC journey is cancelled by the employee due to any reason, there would be overpayment on such encashment. which is required to be recovered forthwith In such cases of cancellation of LTC journey, how the recovery of penal interest for the period the encashment amount is lying with the employee will be charged? |
The amount of encashment of EL can be paid either in advance i.e. before commencement of journey on LTC or after completion of journey on LTC. However, employee should apply for leave encashment before proceeding on journey. In case of payment of EL encashment paid in I advance and cancellation of LTC journey, the employee concerned should intimate about cancellation to the sanctioning authority and refund the full amount of encashment of EL immediately (i e. within a week from the date of cancellation of LTC journey). In case of non-refund of amount of encashment of EL within the stipulated time, the amount may be recovered in one lump—sum from the next issue of his/her salary and the penal interest on the entire advance from the date of drawal to the date of recovery will be charged Regarding rate of penal interest and other terms & conditions of recovery Rule 15 of CCS I (LTC)Res, 1988 should be followed |
4. Whether BSNL permitted its employees to avail encashment of earned leave upto 10 days at the time of availing LTC without any linkage to the number of days and the nature of leave availed while proceeding on LTC. |
As per this Office Order (No.05/20 10) issued under letter No.13-2/2010-PAT(BSNL) dated 18.3.2010, there is no linkage to the number and nature of leave availed while proceeding on LTC for availing encashment of EL upto 10 days at the time of availing LTC, for the present. |
5 .Whether the 10 days leave encashment can be granted to the officers/officials, who are availing less then ten days E/L or C/L for LTC purpose. |
Yes. Encashment of EL. is admissible subject to the terms and conditions available in the existing relevant orders. |
6. Whether the word ‘LTC’ qualify an official to avail leave encashment on home town LTC also. |
The Encashment of EL is admissible on the Home Town LTC and All India LTC once in a block of two years & four years respectively as the case may be. |
7. How the Earned leave encashed alongwith LTC will be debited into the account of the employees. |
The number of days of Earned Leave encashed on LTC together with number of days of Earned leave availed will be deducted from the account of EL of the concerned employee. However, at the time of cessation of service due to superannuation! retirement) resignation, he/she will be allowed the actual number of days of earned leave at the credit of the employee on the last day of his service, subject to overall limit of 300 days/i 50 days as the case may be. |
(Sheo Shankar Prasad)
Assistant General Manager (Pers.V)