Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS

N0.4/25/2008- P&PW (D )

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110 003, Dated the 26 May 2010.


Subject: Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission, the Govt. had issued instruction vide this Department's O.M. No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) dated 19.12.97 for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- per month to the Central Government pensioners/family pensioners residing in areas not covered under Central Government Health Scheme administered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and corresponding health schemes administered by other Ministries/Departments for their retired employees for meeting expenditure on their day-to-day medical expenses that do not require hospitalization. Further clarifications were issued vide this Department's O.M. Nos. 45/57/97-P&PW(C) dated 24.8.98, 30.12.98 and 18.8.99.

2. The demand for enhancement of FMA has been under consideration of the Government for some time past. Sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for enhancement of the amount of FMA from Rs.100/- to Rs.300/- per month. The other conditions for grant of FMA shall continue to be in force.

3. These orders will take effect from 01.09.2008.

4. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) vide their I.D. Note No 347/E.V/2010 dated 14.5.2010 and in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India vide their UO No. 36-Audit (Rules)/28-2-9 dated 26.5.2010.

6. Hindi version will follow.

Office Memorandum


batmanabane said…
Pondicherry School teachers are getting fixed medical allowance from 4th pay commission Rs.75 till date. Any Change did the 6th pay commisiion for that. pensioners are getting Rs.300 FMA but working teacher are gettintg only Rs. 75. Why not the 6th pay commission considered the matter. How we change the allowance. We have not reimburesment facility
where we put the demand please inform to me
partha said…
we are getting FMA 100 om and working under MOD.can we claim medical bill in case emergency.plz reply.
Anonymous said…
I am a retired from I.T.B.P as SI.MM on 31-7-2000. I am Drawing my pension from SBI. Tirur my PPO No is 231840003551 gt 14-8-2000.
It is Learnt that the medical allowance was inhenced from Rs 100.00 to Rs 300.00by the 6th pay commission. I am sorry to inform that the same is not getting yet.
It is there for requested that my case may please be reconsidered and necessary steps may please be taken to enable me the new rate with arriers.

Pv Namboodiri
Mail Id -
mob no -09995255380

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