Confusion in the minutes of National Anomaly Committee

Confederation of Central Government Employees, Secretary General Mr.K.K.N.KUTTY has written in his website as follows...

"The draft minutes of the last meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 12.12.2009. were discussed with the Director JCA(Secretary Official Side). It was decided that the amendments required would be communicated to him in writing and thereafter the same could be finalized after further discussion with the Staff Side, a procedure that had been followed till date. Accordingly, the Staff Side had submitted the amendments to the draft minutes. We place hereunder the copy of the letter the Staff Side Secretary had sent to the Official side requesting to incorporate the amendments to the minutes. .

The official side without any further discussion, finalized the minutes incorporating some of the amendments (in Bold print) which have been placed on their website indicated below.

It has been decided that Staff side would further discuss this matter with Director JCA and press for incorporation of leftout amendments".


Anonymous said…
Sorry to believe the versions of confedration, until they correct themselves for the welfare of the cenral goernment employees. The attitude adopted by confedertion is against the employees for eg. keeping silent for common the categories including lDC/UDC and their merging with 4th standard sweeper. Try to correct the nature of work of confederation first and appoligise instead of making such duel tactics.
o p sharma said…
whether our all india railwaymens federation is aware about the anxiety of the guards category?
Isnot the grade pay at entry level required to be enhanced ? Whether it is included in the discussion at any level ?
Anonymous said…
while the group d,postman &officers get upgradation from their normal replacement scale,the poor postal assistants get no improvement.they are the only section in the postal department who are abandoned by everybody including the union leadership. they are treated as kings only during the membership verification process .
Anonymous said…
Try to correct your belief even at the last moment. Let 2010 be a last chance for confederatin to correct themselves to work for the welfare of the employees failing which the employees one by one will correct. Many people came to know the inefficiency of the confederation with the NAC meeting.
Anonymous said…
Confederation and peoples their are just making joke of the faith of central government employees, if the are not able to communicate the simple lacunaes in the 6 CPC almost for more than 18 months, chairpersons should think of leaving the post, seriously.
In a single work Shame on confederation.
Anonymous said…
Confederation should also raise this issue that fied and subordinate offices of autonomous bodies are not implementing the 6th pay commisssion recomendation in true letter and spirit. As a resurt Jr. Translators are getting different -different pay scale of Rs.4000-6000,4500-7000,5000-8000,5500-9000 instead of 6500-10500 recommended by the 6th cpc.
NCCGEW Kerala said…
An employee had been appointed as LDC in 1986 (presnt Gp1900/). Then promoted as Assistant in 1995 (Present GP2800)Then promoted as Section Officer in 1999 (present GP 4800) Now in 2009 he has been allowed Rs 5400 GP. The promotion channel in that Dept is as follows LDC(GP1900),UDC/Asst. (GP 2800) Sr.UDC/Sr.Asst.(GP 4200)Then Section Officer after passing exam GP 4800 Then AO Gp 5400 and so on.In this case the employee got promotion by jumping from UDC to Section Officer . But some others got Sr. UDC promotion and then only got SO promotion. As the latter got three promotion they are not eligible for GP 5400. Is the action regular of giving GP 5400 to the former

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