Pension Toll Free Number 1800-11-1960 for All Pensioner

Pension Toll Free Number 1800-11-1960 for All Pensioner

Toll Free Number 1800-11-1960: The pensioners can now lodge their grievance by calling on this Toll Free Number during the office hours.

Sanjiv Narain Mathur
Joint Secretary
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions,
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi – 110003
D.O.No.12(20)/2019-P&PW(C) – E.5915

May 31, 2019

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As you are already aware the pensioners can lodge their grievance on the Centralised Pension Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS) of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare. Besides this, pensioners can also send their grievance either through post or by E-mail to this Department, details of which are uploaded into the CPENGRAMS. Every grievance number, E-mail/SMS alert is sent to the complainant, and thereafter the grievance is forwarded to the concerned Ministry/Department/Organisation for redressal.

2. However, in the recent, it has been observed that there is a certain category of pensioners / family pensioners especially those who are very old and not so techno savvy cannot lodge their grievance in CPENGRAMS. Hence a need has been felt to cater to the requirement of such category of pensioners/ family pensioners. Accordingly, Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has started a Cell Centre with a Toll Free Number 1800-11-1960. The pensioners can now lodge their grievance by calling on this Toll Free Number during the office hours. All the Pensioners Associations are requested to given wide publicity to this Toll Free Number.
With regards

Yours sincerely,
(Sanjiv Narain Mathur)

Source: Confederation


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