Joint Consultative Machinery - GOI decisions (O.M. No. 4/1/67-JCA, dated 5-3-1968).
Joint Consultative Machinery - GOI decisions (O.M. No. 4/1/67-JCA, dated 5-3-1968).
GOI decision
The meetings of the Departmental councils should be held regularly in accordance with the relevant provisions in the rules for conduct of business of the various Departmental Councils. (O.M. No. 4/1/67-JCA, dated 5-3-1968).
7.2 The quorum shall be 1/3rd each of the strengths of the Official and Staff Sides.
7.3.1 A member desiring inclusion of a subject in the agenda of a meeting will communicate the subject together with an explanatory memorandum to the Secretary, Official or Staff Side, as the case may be, at least eight weeks in advance of the meeting. The Secretary concerned shall make sure that the subjects suggested fall within the purview of the Council and, thereafter, place the draft agenda before the Chairman not less than seven weeks before the due date of the meeting, for his approval to their inclusion in the agenda. If any item is not included in the agenda, the Secretary, Staff Side or Official Side, as the case may be, shall be informed of the fact and the reasons therefore.
7.3.2 The agenda for an ordinary meeting shall be circulated to all the members not less than thirty days before the meeting.
7.3.3 The agenda for a special meeting shall be circulated simultaneously with the notice of the meeting.
7.3.4 Business not on the agenda may only be taken up with the permission of the Chairman.
7.3.5 A matter disposed of by Council in any manner will not be placed on the agenda during the following 12 months, unless for any special reason the Chairman of the Council directs otherwise.