7th Pay Commission – 1st Meeting of the Anomaly Committee to be held on 1/12/2016

7th Pay Commission – 1st Meeting of the Anomaly Committee to be held on 1/12/2016

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 15th November, 2016


Subject: 1st Meeting of the Anomaly Committee to be held on 1/12/ 2016 under the Chairmans h ip of Secretary (P) on the calculation of the Disability Pension for Defence Forces’ Personnel as per the recommendations of the 7 th Central Pay Commission

The first meeting of the Anomaly Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P), will be held on 1st December, 2016 at 11.00 A.M. in Room No. 190, North Block, New Delhi on the calculation of the Disability Pension for Defence Forces’ Personnel as per the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission. The detailed
agenda note will follow.

2. Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting

Deputy Secretary (JCA)

Source: http://ncjcmstaffside.com/


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