OROP Arrears not paid : What to do next?
OROP Arrears not paid : What to do next?
May be due to the non-availability of the following particulars with your bank, they have not paid. Therefore, please arrange to send the attested proof of the following particulars:-
1. Rank
2. Qualifying service.
3. Group
4. Date of Birth.
Please take a Xerox copies of the proof, get attested by your Bank’s Manager and send it to the CPPC of your bank by Registered Post immediately.
It is better if you can send the OROP arrears calculation sheet also along with the documents. For OROP calculation sheet, please click here.
Click FAQ on the Home page read the procedure for payment.
Addresses of some important banks and email addresses.
1. State Bank of India, CPPC, 112/4 Kaliamman Koil Street, Virugambakkam, Chennai 92. Email: cppc.zoche@sbi.co.in
2. Canara Bank, CPPC, Besavangudi, Bangalore 4. Email: cppc@canarabank.com
3. Indian Bank, CPPC, 66 Rajaji Salai, Chennai 1. Email: cppc@indianbank.co.in
4. Indian Overseas Bank, CPPC, Annasalai, Chennai 2. Email: cppc@iobnet.co.in
5. Central Bank of India CPPc, 2nd Floor, MMO Building, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001. Email: cppc@centralbank.co.in
6. Corporation Bank, CPPC, Pandeshwar, Mangladevi Temple Road, Mangalore 575001.email: hogovt@corpbank.co.in :
7. Bank of India CPPC 87A 1st Floor,Gandhibaug, Nagpur 440002. Email; cppc.nagpur1@bankofindia.co.in
8. Union Bank of india, CPPC, 12th Floor, 239 Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021. Email: govtbusinesss@unionbankofindia.com.
9. Bank of Baroda CPPC 13th Floor, 16 Parliament St. New delhi 1. Email: cppc.ho@bankofbaroda.co.in
10. Syndicate bank CPPC, 2nd Floor, Manipal Udupi, Karnataka 574104. Email: syndcppc@syndicatebank.co.in
Source: http://indianexserviceman.blogspot.in/
One such example to see the reply of PCDA Pen alld in various reminders to them even through PRIME MINISTER & ALL PMOPG/E/2016/0074617 & DOPPW/E/2016 02424 regarding their own auditor PRITAM LAL retired from military vide PPO NO.S/29140 /1965 WHO GOT COMBINED BOTH SERVICES AND GOT PENSION wef 16/1/1979 vide PPO NO,C/DAD/337/87 AND CORR PPO C/DAD/CORR/99/2000 but not able to trace his record and thus not issued PPO corr on his HQ pc OF A Fys calcutta sent LPC CUM DATA SHEET vide their no. 542/AN/MISC/V by insured parcel on 27/5/2014, then on 23/1/2015 to O I/C SANGAM CELL /G1 CIVIL SECTION AND MANY REMINDERS BY HIM AS WELL BY ME THROUGH MANY N DIRECT NOR they are able to trace through CPPC CBI A/C 1540220659 AND MISLEADING EVERY ONE Hence 88 yrs old person not being paid hid dues wef 24 SEP,2012, now from JAN,2006, ANY MOMENT HE MAY DIE THEN WHO WILL BOTHER EVERY ONE FORWARDS MAILS TO THEM AND THEY MISLEAD EVEN THE PRIME MINISTER / PRESIDENT OF INDIA, NO VALUE OF THEIR WRITINGS, WHO WILL BELL THE CAT GOD PROBABLY KNOWS JAY HIND There are so many , who does not know, how much to get their pensions , like this goverment having surplus amount in GPF/CPF/BANKS/POST OFFICES AND IN MANY SCHIEMES