MACP Joint Committee Meeting - Decisions and Discussions

MACP Joint Committee Meeting

Decisions and Discussions on MACP Anomalies published by AIRF

The detailed report of discussions and decisions on various anomalies on the subject of MACP Scheme has been published by All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) on its official website today. The Joint Committee meeting was held on 27th July, 2012 as per scheduled in the last meeting of National Anomaly Committee. Shri.Umaromal Purobit (Secretary) Staff Side National Council / JCM and Shri.Shiva Gopal Mishra (General Secretary AIRF and Member of National Council / JCM) were participated in the meeting on behalf of AIRF. The feedback of the meeting is reproduced here…

3.1 Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy 
It was insisted by the AIRF that the Grade Pay of Rs.2000, which is not available in the AVC of the Technicians, Ministerial Staff, Commercial and other cadres of the Railways, should be abolished because it is affecting adversely lakhs of employees.

AIRF further insisted that the promotional hierarchy in the MACP should be given according to promotional hierarchy not in the hierarchy of grade pay. After prolonged discussions it was agreed that the option for individual employees will be examined, so that individual could opt ACP / MACP, whichever is beneficial to them.

3.2 Date of Effect of MACP Scheme 
On the persistent demands of AIRF, it has been agreed that the admissibility of giving effect w.e.f. 1.1.2006 will be examined.

3.3 Applicability of MACPS to Group ‘D’ employees who have been placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.180(PB-I) 
Clarificatory instructions have already been issued by the DoP&T vide their O.M.35034/03/2008-Estt.(D) dated 09.09.2012.

3.4 Counting of 50% of service rendered by Temporary Status Casual Labourers for reckoning the 10/20/30 years of service under MACPS 
AIRF demanded that instead of counting 50% of service rendered by the Temporary Status Casual Labourers, 100% should be reckoned for 10, 20 and 30 years MACPS. As we have also demanded earlier in the meeting of the NC/JCM, it was agreed to examine it separately.

3.5 Grant of financial upgradation under old ACP Scheme between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008 
This is issue of non-implementation and will be pursued for the implementation.

3.6 Treatment of employees selected under LDCE/GDCE Scheme 
AIRF pointed out that the employees promoted under LDCE/GDCE Scheme have been considered in the ACP Scheme. It was agreed that, if they have been considered under the ACP, there is no reason not to allow them MACP and, therefore, they will also be considered under MACPS.

3.7 Promotion in the identical Grade Pay 
It was stated by the Official Side that, in many cases one increment has been granted. The issue of Loco Pilots will be resolved within a fortnight.

3.8 Financial upgradation under MACPS in the cases of staff who join another unit/organization on request 
Orders for giving them full benefit of financial upgradation have already been issued vide DoP&T’s O.M. dated 1st November, 2010.

On the demand of AIRF, it was agreed to issue a Clarificatory Note that even the employees joined on reversion, their past period will also be counted for 10, 20 and 30 years MACP benefit.

3.9 Extension of benefit of MACP to an employee appointed in grade where direct recruitment element is there by ignoring service and promotions rendered prior to his appointment in that post 
Clarification has been issued by the DoP&T vide their O.M. dated 09.09.2010.

3.10 Counting of services rendered prior to re-appointment for the purpose of MACP 
Has already been agreed. Treating that as technical re-designation, past service shall be counted for the purpose of MACP benefits.

3.11 Accounting of services rendered before Removal/Dismissal from service and subsequent reinstatement in service for the purpose of MACP Scheme 
Are covered under the Provision of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965.

3.12 Counting of service rendered in State Govt/PSUs etc
Not agreed.

3.13 Regulation of Probation/Training Period under MACPS 
Where training/probation period is counted for promotion, the period will also be counted for MACPS.

3.14 Application of MACPS to the surplus staff re-deployed to lower posts in other Cadres/Organizations 
Regular service rendered by the surplus staff in previous organization shall be counted towards regular service in the new organization for the purpose of MACP benefits.

3.15 Stepping-up of pay of Senior incumbents at par with Junior incumbents as a consequence of ACP/MACPS 
While raising this issue, AIRF stated that, on the Indian Railways, in the Accounts Department seniors are drawing less pay than the juniors, particularly those who have cleared Appendix examination.

On the insistence of AIRF, EDPC-I, Railway Board, who was present in the meeting, explained the issue. The JS(P) as well as JS(Estt.) agreed with the views of AIRF and asked the Ministry of Railways to immediately send a reference, and agreed that this will be considered positively.

3.16 Benchmark for MACP should be liberal than the Benchmark for cadre promotion 
Clarificatory orders will be issued.
The issue of benefit of promotion to those who got one promotion prior to 01.09.2008 and completed 20 years service and are being denied third promotion under MACPS was also discussed. The Official Side agreed to examine the matter.

The issue of modification of recruitment rules, particularly in the Railways and upgradation granted by abolition of pay scale – Implementation of MACPS was also raised. The Staff Sided demanded that looking abolition of pay scales, MACPS benefits should be extended to the employees. The Official Side agreed to collect necessary details from the Ministry of Railways.

Before sending an appropriate proposal to DoP&T, Railway Board will have a discussion with the Staff Side on this issue.

The Staff Side also insisted that the "Placement" should not be treated as "Promotion" for the purpose of granting financial upgradation under MACP Scheme. The Official Side has agreed to examine the matter.


Anonymous said…
I understand that MACP is a relief for those who are not getting promotion to next cadre. But MACP with date 1.9.08 is curse on senior UDCs. If I get promotion to the next hierarchy, I will get a Pay under PB-2 with G.P.4200/- But MACP granted me a pay under PB-1 with G.P.2800/- after completion of 25 years. Even the newly promoted UDC are getting this PB with GP 2400/-, senior UDC with 3029 years service are getting same PB with a difference in G P Rs.400/-. Everybody turned a deaf year to our issue on introduction of MACP with a cut off date 1.9.08. We are suffering a lot. Those who joined even a day before are getting GP 4200/-. Committee may kindly look into the issue seriously and settle this anomaly. Neither getting promotions nor getting monitory benefits like others with same status, Committee can understand our feelings. Expecting a favourable decision .
Unknown said…
i joined in the scale 4000-8000 in May 1987,
I got Ist ACP (Old ACP) 5000-9000 in May 2000
joined same dept on direct recruitment
in Jul 2007 in 5500 scale
Am I eligible for MACP of 4600 GP wef Oct 2008?

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