Approval of the DPC Meeting held in RD (NR) Noida on 2.6.2011 for promotions of 13 UDCs as Adhoc JTAs
Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
New Delhi, dated 14-06-2011
Office Memorandum
Subject : Approval of the DPC Meeting held in RD (NR) Noida on 2.6.2011 for promotions of 13 UDCs as Adhoc JTAs.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the DPC Minutes (Annexure A) received vide Letter No. 5(46)ERD/2011/1634 dated 3-6-2011 and the
Office Order of promotions issued by RD(NR) Noida No.5(46)/ERD/2011/1624 dated 3-6-2011 and to convey the approval of the competent authority, on ex-post facto basis, for DPC recommendations for thirteen (13) promotions mentioned in office order dated 3.6.2011.
2. The JS(A) in MCA is the appointing authority for Group B posts like JTAs. Therefore, RD(NR) Noida, is requested that, in future, before issuing
any promotion orders, either ad-hoc or regular, in respect of Group B posts, prior approval of DPC recommendations may be taken from the Ministry.
3. The revised staff strength (with vacancy year and DR/DP break-up) in all Group B/C posts/grades in NR region and the ‘certificate’ that all
promotions upto vacancy year 2011-2012 had been completed, is also urgently required from RD (NR) Noida.
Enclosed --- Annexure A (3 page DPC Minutes)
(R K Pandey)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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