Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy - Clarification
No.12011/16/2009-( Allowance)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 13th November, 2009
Subject:- Children Education Allowance1 Hostel Subsidy - Clarification.
The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T OM No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008 on the above subject and to say that this Department has been receiving various references from Government servants, Ministries1 Departments seeking clarification whether Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (VVN) charged by Kendirya Vidyalayas is reimbursable as per items detailed in para l(e) of the above mentioned OM. The matter has been considered in consultation with Ministry of Finance. It is clarified that Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi charged by Kendriya Vidyalayas will also form part of para l(e) of the said OM and can be claimed for reimbursement under the scheme of Children Education Allowance subject to the annual ceiling of Rs. 12000 per child. Where Vidyala Vikas Nidhi has not been admitted for reimbursement in past cases, the same may now be considered for reimbursement, subject to the other conditions.
This Department has also been receiving references seeking clarification whether Children Education Allowance can be claimed in respect of any two children by Government Servants who have more than two children. It is clarified that Children Education Allowance is admissible for the two eldest surviving children only, except when the number of children exceeds two due to second child birth resulting in multiple births.
Amar Nath Pandey
Amar Nath Pandey
Yogendra Pandey
In my office the Accountant says Hostel subsidy will be processed at the end of academic session i.e in March 2011. I have paid(60K+) more than what the govt is giving for hostel subsidy. can I claim the amount of
3000 x 12 months = 36000/- in one go before March 2011 or should I wait till march. please clarify.
I am working as a Steno Grade _i andy my pay has been fixed in the scale of 9300-34800
I joined the govt. office on 1.10.1983. my pay was upgraded in 1995 from 12000 to 1400 and i was denied ACP due to this upgradation.
in 2005 i became steno grade -I.
my grade pay was fixed in Rs.4200 and after 2nd ACP my grade pay is 4600 w.e.f. 1.9.2008. My doubt am I not eligible to get grade pay w.e.f. 1.1.2006 since three posts i.e. 5000, 5500 have been merged with 6500 which is being upgraded to Rs.7450/- now please someone say or give me justice because my juniors are getting grade pay 4600 w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and i am senior i started getting grade pay 4600/- after implementation of MACP.
Also please tell me what is my designation whether stenographer grade -I or Personal Assistant.
I hope a fare reply