Clarification needed to LKG and UKG students for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy

In clarification of DoP&T order students from Nursery to Twelfth standard are eligible for the Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy reimbursement for Central Government Employees. Link

The word 'Nursery' has a little bit of confusion, whether it is Kinder Garten or Primary and or Pre K.G. But for the Disabled (Physically and mentally handicapped) children, it is clearly given in the DoP&T order that students from the age of 5 years to 22 years are eligible.

We hope that in all establishments, Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy reimbursement applications has been sanctioned for the LKG and UKG students (Not for Pre K.G.). Hence not yet received any objection from Accounts Departments.

The doubt is that the same criteria is adapted for Kendra Vidyalaya students also.

We can expect orders clarifying this.


Anonymous said…
The age limit prescribed is only for undergoing non formal Education
or Vocational Training or other similar
instructions for
disabled Children of Govt. employees. Hence, for the regular category of KG is eligible for the claim as per the OM dated 02.09.2008. I think as such there is hardly any clarification is needed in respect of KG. Probably, for
disabled Children of Govt. employees it may be needed.
Unknown said…
Reimbursement allowable classes from Nursery to twelfth, Here Nursery class means what (Define: Nursery), Is it 3yrs earlier to class 1 or 4yrs earlier to class 1.

Because some school pattern is Nursery,KG1,KG2 and class 1, some other school like DPS, pre-Nursery, Nursery,Preparatory and Class 1.

Now, for the children studying in DPS in the class Pre-Nursery tuition fee is reimbursable or not?
Unknown said…
can a children allowance given for achild read in affiliated school not only registered for class nursery
Unknown said…
My daughter is studing LKG in private school,so can i apply for the fee in reimbursements..

Pls tell me.. how to apply..
Anonymous said…
CEA is allowed for two classes below class first, whatever may be the name of class.

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